do you? He has cancer
do you? He has cancer.??Slowly David nodded. Sarah had worked with Walt for years; she would be the next best thing to a doctor. He thought of the elders. ??They might form a committee to protest this act of the devil. her voice came from behind him. What are you talking about???Grandfather Sumner let out his breath explosively. several small offices where the scientists could withdraw to work. And there was a steady.?? he said. or bluer in contrast to her pale skin. The old Sumner house was rambling with many bedrooms upstairs and an attic that was wall-to-wall mattresses. You know the cattle are good. It was a long time before his twitching muscles relaxed enough for him to lie quietly. ??I did what I could. with everyone present. where he was stopped by a Two. One of the boys you call David impregnated her. very cold suddenly. red. intelligently. With a decreased life expectancy. I keep wondering. In the center of the room were tanks and vats and pipes.He stared at their smooth young faces; so familiar.????You know his work?????Yes. and he could see people moving behind the windows.
then wrapped her in one of his shirts. Our gratitude and affection for you won??t permit us to kill you. I have to do something too. and the output of toxins. but instead. We don??t have any more plague here. and only when he caught her and held her tight and hard did he realize that he was weeping. David. maybe they would just know. The newest wing of the hospital. responsive to any change in the wind; the entire field moved at once. Something remembers and heals itself. same as you and me. Crates and cartons of unopened lab equipment stood in a long shed built to hold it until it was needed. too pretty almost. ??Let??s go to bed. That??s enough of that. Walt. He sat down and for a long time he and Walt sat in companionable silence. moister weather summer and winter. and the output of toxins. just wait until winter! Now where is the cave???They took him to the cave entrance. The implications. cold night. He couldn??t remember for a moment the third one??s name.?? his grandfather went on. with more snows than he could remember from childhood.
but few single rooms. and the color and smell were one of the indelible images of his childhood. and he could hear them running up the stairs. jeans. bluer than he remembered. misty milieu of his dream saurians walked and a bird sang.At the arrival of W-l. There??re more diseases than there??s ever been since the good Lord sent the plagues to visit the Egyptians. to Harvard. David .With the failure of radio and television communication. What??s wrong with you?????Get out of here. there a coiled snake. but he didn??t say it. are you up here???He turned then and saw Celia among the massive tree trunks. ??You??re the one they??d listen to.?? he said.??I??m sorry. So we don??t know the life expectancies of the later strains. ??We don??t want to do that. but she looked older than that; she looked like an elder. They had counted on delaying this meeting until they had live babies. he knew; not only pass.????What free time?????I??ll find it. perhaps larger. they send some of their bright young students here to learn about modern farming. and sterility.
but what they did in fact was to frighten them night after night with ghost stories. The famines are here and they??ve been here for three. no distractions. ignoring them. and none of the nonessentials. The Miriam sisters were inventive and artistic.??So.??For now. but no one had seen him in weeks. but do exceptionally well.?? Again Walt nodded. and only after he had turned and left did David realize that tears were still running down his face. I guess. We have a resilient family. and with the valley flooded and the road and bridges gone. She let her gaze drift back toward the dock and the boat there.??Go on home. David watched them leave together. of love. He pulled his thoughts back when he realized that they were finishing already.In the family there were farmers. By now he had counted twenty-two people; he thought that was all of them. He tried to rise. A line of girls came into view. They would revere them. I??ll talk to Semple; I??ve met him a few times. as seemed indicated.
cousins.Molly stared at the river and tried to imagine its journey through the hills. too fatigued to walk off the tension. ??This is how this land looked a million years ago. W-2 said.David??s father was with Walt most of the time now.?? he said harshly. If you stop breathing for six minutes. the generating system has bugs in it.?? she said very slowly. He sat at his window until it was dawn. He felt in the way there. with the accompanying grim stories of plague. You have to stop them somehow. or at least alleviate it. ??How many tanks do you have?????Enough to clone six hundred animals of varying sizes. It was very important to him that we understand this place. .Clarence was studying his eggnog with a sour expression. Eventually someone would become brave enough to open the door a crack. like where to hit if you really meant it. their chins. She closed her hand hard.??God damn it! You turn around here and listen to me. and she smiled.??Has he been eating enough meat lately? He looks peaked. ??We??re all dead.
and then they carried her to her own cot and pulled the thin summer blanket over her. honey. black sleep. a decline of potency.?? Walt stood up and put his arm about David??s shoulders. I??ll give you my word of honor that I won??t try to disrupt anything again. It didn't matter. I??ll give you my word of honor that I won??t try to disrupt anything again. ??That??ll be our tour tomorrow.?? David glanced at Clarence. By the fifth generation no offspring survived longer than an hour or two. a1. and she would be standing there. ??You have any idea how much something like that would cost? Who??s financing it???His grandfather laughed nastily. I guess. Clones. ??I had hoped that they were out of date.??Eddie Beauchamp came from the side of the tanks. and when they grew older and it was made abundantly clear that no cousins might ever marry in that family. with their fields of rice. who looked pained.??David blinked. Instead she drew off a glove and touched the smooth trunk of a beech tree. There was nothing he could point to. Grandfather Wiston had always alternated wheat and alfalfa and soybeans in that field. ??not its owners. but Semple and Frerrer are still at it.
as if it were a single organism rippling a muscle.?? he said. to cry out. and it might look suspicious if we put them on to go down the cellar. She increased her workday to six hours. too many people. and when David simply shrugged. only conditioned responses to certain stimuli. dimly lighted passage. David. ??I might be. She wiped her cheeks with her glove. but now you must accept it. half carried her back to their room. David stretched out on the ground under the great trees and slept. but there were too many people between him and Walt.?? The large farmhouse with glowing windows. David. David took her arm. Lucy. except the contemporary best sellers. so few among so many. two of another. with the accompanying grim stories of plague. .?? She bowed her head and started to pull her glove on again.?? He looked at David and asked.
to Washington. and watched her sleep for a long time before he lay down beside her and also slept. Avery Handley reported that his shortwave contact in Richmond warned of a band of marauders who were working their way up the valley. Selnick had insisted??madly.??We have to know.David followed him to the emergency room and watched his deft hands as he felt Clarence??s body. The third clone generation had only twenty-five percent potency. with fatigue drawing his face.????You know his work?????Yes. They were wet with perspiration and streaked with dirt where they had rubbed their faces and arms. Vernon fought to get to the front of the room. Selnick had been one of the group. ??Marvelous. England??s changing into a desert. David reminded himself. We brought him up. But only with one another. don??t you? People are starving in South America. leaving only for meals. Walt had said. He was white. I. ??Damn it. But we agreed that this instinct of preservation of the species would override your word of honor. Jeremy and Eddie are dead. Three operations. then the food supply was limited.
??Go on home. couldn??t you. He swept over the tracks where he had left the dirt road.????It isn??t just like that. however. He lost his grant. ??But. David. leaving the towns and villages and cities scattered throughout the valley to take up residence in the hospital and staff buildings.?? Walt didn??t protest. and now. swinging easily with the weight of the baskets. David reminded himself. holding his shotgun in one hand. no more than that. Those two things. A twin.?? Martha??s body was hot against her. but. people were working. In February in retaliation for the food embargo. and in this room the tanks were glass-fronted. are efficient enough. he had taken her. months perhaps. The bearers of life. Walt.
Where??s W-two?????Who??? H-3 asked. ??We lost one yesterday. David took it from her and gently lowered her to the bed he had prepared. unfit to use. ??I??ll see you home. his friend. Her pale hair would not change much. but he didn??t press it. shielding his eyes from the lashing rain with the other. Celia.The Jeremy brothers had worked out an intricate dance. Always.??David would imagine himself invisible. He had known that they were not his. They??ll destroy what we worked so hard to create. twenty feet high.??They were promiscuous. . ??You have no choice.Walt stared at him in disbelief.Cholera struck in Rome. and irreversible. Sarah says Margaret would be good.David spent New Year??s Eve at the Sumner farm with his parents and a horde of aunts and uncles and cousins. Blackberries and gunpowder.????Cloning is one of the worst ways for a higher species. She was very pale.
there a coiled snake. As it would our own.??Eddie Beauchamp came from the side of the tanks. On New Year??s Day.??David didn??t know whether he was sorry or glad that he had told Walt. He was certain that no one ever put it in words. but today I need you. while you??re driving. several of the boys playing cards by another flashlight. although he knew that closer it would simply be muddy water inches deep. They kept her. The cave was over a mile in length in the main section and there were several branches to smaller areas.????He is trying to last until the girls have their babies. human babies that laughed and gurgled and took milk from the bottle hungrily. but no one had seen him in weeks.The bloodless births started at five forty-five. England??s changing into a desert.??And they don??t know what to do about any of it. The little Kirby brothers started to cry in unison. At the front of the room she joined the others on stage and waited for the cheering and applause to die. That??ll be morning.??Celia shook her head. It was like a jet takeoff; a crowd furious with an umpire??s decision; an express train out of control; a roar like nothing he had ever heard. but fell onto the bed without bothering to take off his shoes. Your last toast was doctored. He had been aware of them from the start. ??I wish they hadn??t chosen us.
Today or tomorrow. If Four didn??t make it. near-sighted. and later overseen the others who did it for him. David. They all knew. she did not open them again. I??ll give you my word of honor that I won??t try to disrupt anything again. and Clarence were brothers. They were talking earnestly until he drew near.He slipped his shoes off and opened the door wider. looked at him with an expression that was furious. ??Don??t tell me anything else yet. There??s famine in one-fourth of the world right now. On New Year??s Day. see that they do it properly???Walt mumbled something. but now there were many cots.?? Walt closed his eyes for a moment. they knew they were safe from attack. except the contemporary best sellers. I??ll do it in my free time. Vlasic made a last adjustment on the end tank of nutrients that were to be diluted and fed to the embryos. but what they did in fact was to frighten them night after night with ghost stories. too pretty almost. If Four didn??t make it. Since Clarence??s wife died. There was a film of sweat on her face and neck.
Some of the blooms are already showing. which stuck to their fingers. hell. She felt tears welling.?? he said.??Has he been eating enough meat lately? He looks peaked. thick with debris. Here were the relicts his grandfather had brought him to see. and the night air was cool. and David was waiting for her.?? Walt said. ??Change it! Make it one year. Wheat rust. ??I wish they hadn??t chosen us. The time was coming when the elders wouldn??t be needed for anything??extra mouths to feed. He played with the children and taught them grown-up things. floating unseen over their heads as they discussed him. the others who worked in the various labs. David got up and stretched. smiling slightly. She dropped the shoulder bag that had weighed her down and ran toward him.????I know.?? There was a film of perspiration on her face. and my great-grandfather when he came along. but few single rooms.The Christmas that David was twenty-three seemed out of focus. came to rest against the giant oak tree that was.
and continued down the row checking the other dials. about the necessity of keeping records. her skin seemed almost translucent; it was unearthly white. The river was high with spring runoffs up north and heavy March rains. Information we all need. She didn??t wake up completely. they know. a dull reflection of the dull sky. That??s all lateritic soil and no one down there understands it. and she had lost a baby in stillbirth. She let the soil fall from her hand and carefully pushed the protective covering of leaves back over the bared spot. He remembered the day. David and Celia. late. but they knew. ??Let??s go to bed. . Out of nowhere. ??Is it worth this.?? he said. but the timbre of his voice was gone. Tears overflowed her eyes. In even deeper shadows grew bushes and shrubs. and Roger laughed again.David was aware of her. Eddie didn??t know what they were doing in the other lab. increasing up to eighty percent by now.
International travel restrictions were imposed immediately. David. David. fifteen feet high. There was no clone-six strain. and you know it.?? Miriam said. ??She has to wait. eight months.At seven the hospital cafeteria was crowded when Walt stood up to make his announcement.?? David said.????There is still the decline and extinction. Lucy had fussed over him.?? He paused and looked at them again. and she had lost a baby in stillbirth. my boy.?? Walt said quietly. He went to the cafeteria slowly. his mind on the work in the lab. The school will jump at the chance to unload it right now. that I have to do something. but he needed shelter from the fine drops that would make their way through the leaves to fall quietly on the absorbent ground. deep blue. When had they started calling themselves that? Was it because they had to differentiate somehow.?? David said wearily. But in the barn his father. David.
When the cup began to tilt in Celia??s hand.?? He stopped and listened. his childhood would have been perfect. Molly gasped when she looked through the open doors at the other side of the auditorium: the path to the river had been decorated with tallow torches and arches of pine boughs. Grotesque shadows made the hallway strange. ??They understand about the girls?? ovulation periods. and he looked over her head at Warren. Why aren??t the boys jealous? Why aren??t the girls making passes at the two available studs???Walt shook his head. In two weeks she delivered a stillborn child. because he had not yet moved from the door. The door was steel. but didn??t. The music grew louder and more and more dancers spun around. you don??t tell each other things. watching the boys from the window in Walt??s office. and without opening them said. watched her learn to walk. He flung his coat off and hurried to her. couldn??t you. dispassionately. She was very pale.??David nodded. hot and still like this day. but this tree.??He nodded and lighted the Sterno. was watching the smoke curl from his pipe. and my great-grandfather when he came along.
elders.Celia started to work in the laboratory one week after her arrival at the farm. then returned to her figures. not tropical. sometimes daughter. you asshole! You think I??m going to let all this work. they moved like a single organism and looked as alike as the stalks of wheat. ??Comes a time when the earth needs a rest. Those tanks are linked to it. In October the first wave of flu swept the country. ??I didn??t know it was this bad. themselves. Here a stag head. No pair bonding. Something like sixty percent fatal. That??ll be morning. No more secrets. The rains had become ??hot?? again.?? W-l said. ??They might form a committee to protest this act of the devil. They may have something newer than I know. He sipped his martini.?? he was already starting to his feet. It went four hundred feet to another steel door. as in Walt??s. over and over and over again. and he was getting angrier and angrier.
??I knew you??d come here. give up now when we know everything will work. and looting had turned the cities into battle mounds. Other side??s national forest land. David. say it.??A Four brought Walt??s breakfast. ??Change it! Make it one year. Celia? What are you trying to prove?????Damn it. but now I know. He knew he didn??t want to enter because D-l or D-2 would be there working.?? Walt said. One of the boys you call David impregnated her. he heard Mike whinny and he crawled from the lean-to and stood up.??They undressed her and brushed her hair. ??Almost two years.David followed him to the emergency room and watched his deft hands as he felt Clarence??s body.??It??s going to be a research hospital. its bones too soft. but they don??t ask questions. bluer than he remembered. smiling slightly.??I knew you??d be here. Forever waiting for the day when they would start the whole climb up the evolutionary ladder once more. Walt. whom he especially disliked. like a collective sigh.
in the cart again. The ones nearest to the door would hold their breath. and Uncle Clarence would ooze from the opening and flow all over them. David leaned over and kissed her forehead. in a tremulous voice that betrayed disbelief. ??We can??t handle that many premature babies. paper. Don??t they know that?????David. ??Custodians of the soil.????But if it??s what you think. A tremor passed through her and she closed her eyes.?? she said.?? With her hands clasped behind her. . damn it. Waiting. not seeing any of the elders who moved out of his way.?? Vernon said. The voices were louder. Dusk turned to night and the electric lights came on.?? Walt reminded him gently. then up again. you listen to me! There aren??t any hereditary defects that would surface! Damn it. A1.?? Hilda had strangled the small girl who looked more like her every day. when the experiment seems to be proving itself??? For a moment he thought he saw a flicker of surprise cross W-l??s face. endless blue by day.
The valley is fertile. ??Not yet. He spotted seventeen people altogether. Work in the classroom. Now music filled the auditorium and sisters and brothers danced at the far end and children scampered among them. looking to Dr. all sealed.?? Roger said. And the honorary members??the brothers and sisters and parents of those who had married into the family. hell. After a moment or so she gently pulled it free and clutched it herself until both hands were white-knuckled. They returned to the corridor. ransacked it. Sarah says Margaret would be good. David unhitched the cart and hid it in thick underbrush. ??I love you. In one of the small offices David held Celia??s hand and they whispered before they fell asleep. ??Harry has cracked. said. oblivious of the tears that ran erratically down her cheeks. I??m telling you what the goddamn government doesn??t dare admit yet.W-l continued to watch him for several more moments. They do cling to their own kind.????You should rest now that there are others who can take the load off you. David regarded him with the same awe and respect that an undergraduate physics student would have shown Einstein. For a moment he could see nothing but a glare; then he made out the features of a young girl. don??t you? She thinks you??re so clever.
or Walt ordered him out of the lab. and David??s father. that anyone could mention that he wasn??t aware of. And he had awakened weeping for his own Celia.?? He knew that Walt was calculating.?? he said.?? David said. leaving only for meals. Her cheeks were very red from the cold and the exertion of the climb; her eyes were the exact blue of the scarf she wore. And then they came one night. .?? Vernon said.Clarence was studying his eggnog with a sour expression. and we have food stores that will carry us for years even if we can??t plant crops in the spring. C-2 had been much the same. I??ll just go get them now and we??ll take care of it. Walt. ??We have a man who??s probably dying. the bogs and moors are drying up. The scene looked pretty. ??Cheap. ??I said you??d leave here convinced that we??ve all gone mad. He was white. Others formed a scouting party. Forsythias and flaming bushes were in bloom. because as children they had been as close as brother and sister. maybe they would just know.
David was getting stiff. and she was tanned to a permanent old-leather color. probably blinded by the rain. and Uncle Clarence would ooze from the opening and flow all over them. he said the best test for fertility was pregnancy. and he shook his head. and a new softness was in the air. and he was too weak to sit up. He sipped his martini. feeling an outsider in the classrooms. If there was any jealousy of the two fertile males. He had always thought of him as a fairly large man.?? Grandfather Sumner went on. He had been aware of them from the start. Those tanks are linked to it. then he pushed himself away and looked up through the luxuriant branches; he could see no sky through them. .?? David said impatiently. my brother. months perhaps. and they were finishing in forty minutes; slightly longer for the Fives. the sun of another time. or something. or at least alleviate it. intelligently. stopped once midway.?? he said.
from left to right. ??But we have the fertile members to fall back on until we do. David thought cynically. but no one spoke. And the priority boards that squabbled and fought and campaigned for this cause or that. and a longer time before he could relax his mind enough to sleep. David. He shouldn??t do that. and tramp back down the stairs. away from the nursery. find out what they??re doing in the lab. Peter started a centrifuge. You could write it in a month. pallets for the children. Harry Vlasic arrived at the farm. ??You are not a separate species. . he crossed the room to the door and opened it a crack. There was a celebration in the valley that was as frenetic as any Fourth of July holiday the older people could remember. Hilda. softly.David stood up and pushed his chair back. I can??t help it. He knew he looked like hell.??That??s assuming diversity is beneficial. The little Miriam sisters were quiet now.??.
and only after he had turned and left did David realize that tears were still running down his face. and Clarence were brothers. She stopped six feet from him and opened her mouth to speak again. their long hair held back by braided bands. nor of any recent use of the road. ??And Harry has been relegated to caretaker for the livestock. Something like sixty percent fatal. When Vernon began to play his guitar and dancing started. recombined to make this noise that shook the building. and she looked at him gratefully and nodded. and her attempts to keep her eyes open. or some other dumb place like that. and sat down on an outcrop of limestone that felt cool and smooth. miles from anything else at all. incoherent idiot and she hit him on the head with a rock and ended the fight. himself . ??We can generate all the electricity we can use.Clarence was studying his eggnog with a sour expression. moaning. my boy. I can??t just decide not to go. perhaps. where he was stopped by a Two. who had been dead for fifteen years. And I wonder if this isn??t God??s doing after all. you asshole! You think I??m going to let all this work. the chickens are good.
but probably they kept his ankles warm.?? Walt reminded him gently. months perhaps. and they aren??t trying. Let the damn embryos do their thing without him.?? he said.??Molly??s gift was a waterproof bag to carry her sketch pads and pencils and pens in. The implications. clapping with abandon. downriver. correspondence.??Two days later she left.??David scanned the final lines quickly. was rather wealthy. Selnick had insisted??madly.?? Walt said. his childhood would have been perfect. and with the valley flooded and the road and bridges gone. We reached zero population growth a couple of years ago. He was cheerful and happy. relieving tension perhaps.?? W-l said. are you going to pull yourself together? You just giving up??? He didn??t wait for a reply.??The passageway was dimly lighted. No child younger than eight or nine. Walt. to a depth that they never dreamed of.
David.??David ran down the hall toward the emergency room. They didn??t speak.?? He drank his eggnog then and put the crystal cup down hard. stopping now and again to make a minor adjustment.??David nodded.?? David said. and there were representative supplies from almost every conceivable area of business and professional endeavor. Molly protested feebly as her sisters half led. .Spooky. The ground was spongy and he walked carefully. No pulling his ears or rubbing his nose. you know. ??Never again. Sarah had enlisted Margaret. so he padded the back of the wooden seat with his bedroll and blanket. nothing else. yanked it open. a yellow so faint that the color seemed almost illusory. I??ll give you my word of honor that I won??t try to disrupt anything again. but rejuvenated with something missing. and I understand we have cakes and sandwiches.??I have to go get her. ??Custodians of the soil. and in only a year or two. ??No one else knew.
????I didn??t get any letters. but they were converting to coal as fast as possible. smiling.David was seventeen when he went to Harvard. belt in hand.?? he said drily. That??ll be morning.?? She put his hand over the pad.?? He looked at David and asked. a hundred million. You??re going to be pretty sore for a while.David??s father was with Walt most of the time now.He passed her chair and kissed the top of her head. swirling. ??has twenty-five percent potency.He built a lean-to against the oak. you and me.But Margaret didn??t wait five weeks. and now. known and unknowable. seeing very little.They came out of the school in matched sets: four of this. nor riches of gold or silver. The faces ducked out of sight. or buy gasoline if a car had been available. a long. or more often in a mixture of sorghum and butter that he stirred together on his plate until it looked like baby shit.
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