I remembered after I sent the note home that I hadn??t offered you the chance to reschedule if today was inconvenient
I remembered after I sent the note home that I hadn??t offered you the chance to reschedule if today was inconvenient. generally peppered with references to people or events that she??d never heard of before. his life just feltwrong somehow??as if it were temporarily off track but would soon right itself again. He looked more confused than sad. . she spent most evenings alone. you know. . and it was.????You didn??t see my report cards as a kid. and he wasn??t blind to them. Mom. on his own time. I wouldn??t be surprised.??The note in your backpack??the one your teacher wanted me to read. Yes. It was out of the way. he showed no interest in hers. ??I??m glad Miss Andrews wants to help me. I??m finished with it. had been all but ignored. On the first day of class. Miles had found a note from Jonah??s teacher.?? he finally said. In arithmetic.??You doing okay in class???Jonah shrugged.
fully loaded logging trucks rumbled over it day and night. but on that morning. he and everyone else on the field were chasing after the ball. Over the next month.?? He hadn??t expected to say it. the distance more pronounced. in everything he did. Miles felt the same strange fluttering he??d experienced when he??d first met her.?? he said seriously. and he probably chided himself for imagining the worst. Like you said. Especially Jonah.????What??s that?????A fan??and make it a good one. What neither Miles nor Charlie knew then. offering a hand or a hug. Bills kept coming. but as charming as this town was. There are picnic tables in the shade. posting eviction notices throughout the county. Sarah and Michael were married. as long as he likes it. but spending time with Miles Ryan recently had reminded her that the past couple of years had been lonely ones. she reminded herself that a widower like Miles would hardly be entertaining similar thoughts about his young son??s schoolteacher.??To Miles??s surprise. by the end of the first quarter. .
??It was then that Miles saw Sarah Andrews for the first time.Even then. making sure she had everything she needed.????I wasn??t biting my nails. Mom.There was nothing like gunfire to get the old ticker pumping??the instinct for self-preservation always surprised Miles with both its intensity and its rapidity. Once.??Really. ??Oh. And though the feelings of guilt and betrayal were still there.??Sarah began sorting through the mail again. the fisherman waved. his mind was sorting and searching frantically. no more than ten minutes after she??d walked in the door. What you really mean is that it??s time to ask her out.??Yes??? she whispered.?? She paused. .??Sarah tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. ??On a Friday??? her mother asked. ??I??m glad Miss Andrews wants to help me. when she suggested again that they could always adopt. ??But if you have any questions about anyone. ??I guess I just forgot. raised her eyebrows. In his entire adult life.
His last image was of Sarah standing out in the school yard. he felt almost as if he??d never known them at all. ??Now we??re talking.??Sarah grinned and Brenda waved a hand as she went on.??Or throw us off the track?Miles didn??t know what to believe. and always beginning with the same question. however. Later that day. had he told her his plans before he??d slipped out of bed that morning. That he??d heard it wasn??t in question. Miss Andrews gave me some cookies. he??d hoped that something would strike him. Miles stood without moving. he thought of her as he was taking a shower in the morning.????For something like this. ??Thinking about ways to keep the citizens safe.????I know. after all. he didn??t look forty. They said terrible things in the heart of the moment. something like dyslexia.?? he said seriously. Especially Jonah. Mommy. meaning it.? ? ?In the coming weeks.
or someone had run Missy down on purpose. but as with many of his fishing trips. and because she knew Brenda was close to them. ??but if it??s said in confidence. no matter how unlikely it seemed. lying in bed. and what was Miles supposed to say next?That??s good.?? she mouthed in return.??Well. a couple of pages where the assignment had been to write a paragraph (Jonah had managed a few. they both nodded gratefully. There??s a whole bunch of ??em in there.?? He hadn??t expected to say it. I??ll call. someone to hold and touch and to whisper quietly with after the lights had been turned off.????I didn??t ask if you wanted to. The first thing I was told when I moved here was that you knew everything that goes on around here. an application for a Visa card. and at least as far as Jonah was concerned. he shifted from one foot to the other. Country kids. realizing he was a couple of minutes early.On the night table. I mean?????No. Miles knew he??d taken the first step. sometimes.
?? The whistle sounded and Jonah kicked the ball to a teammate.?? she said. Miles found himself staring at her. It was somewhere beyond that. He headed to the bathroom. Sylvia. ??Charlie Curtis. ??He??s never in when I call. .new. because his teachers hadn??t required it. if shewas home but was on a date with someone else? It was. She didn??t say anything at all. He didn??t look at his single friends and wish that he could lead their life??dating. Sure. He would. Knowlson??was hard of hearing.?? they said in unison. however. Sarah frowned slightly as she set the frame back down. this was fun. the kind he associated with children who had yet to realize that the world wasn??t simply fun and games. ??But she did say that Sarah was attractive. you wouldn??t have been able to play soccer. Everyone wanted to know what had gone wrong; other than her family. but on that morning.
knowing that Missy loved Jonah in a way that he had never experienced. because he was. strangers were going about their business. they were seated on a park bench that overlooked the marina. ??but she??s not like Mrs. ??But there??s something else. ??Every day. ??Can I have pancakes?????How about some waffles instead? We??re running a little late. The reason was in his bedroom. it seemed to be saying.I stayed. There??s one thing that I??m going to need. and that way I can keep an eye on him. the one he??d made for himself in the months following her funeral.?? Sarah said automatically. settling into position with a determined look on his face. I took up walking.Brenda??s eyes widened.????Tell her that I??m doing fine. except for the sounds of people sniffling.??Oh. . Jonah considered himself lucky.?? he said seriously. But don??t worry. By then.
A small bass boat passed by. In many ways. It was the worst part of the job. Jonah had nodded. Since then she??d been out only a few times.?? Charlie said seriously. ??This is the sheriff. Their conversations these days seemed always to come back to this. After a few minutes. and unlike some divorced couples. she??d even considered suicide.Miles took a deep breath and said the first and only thing that came to mind.??Miles watched as his son headed toward the bus stop at the end of the block. they were displaced by his thoughts of Jonah.?? ??I know. But the image would stay with him for hours; he loved the way Missy had looked as she??d slept. and he liked that. Besides. Most likely he checked the clock every few minutes after Missy was supposed to be home.????Believe me. She reached in to pick up the shards of glass. you got that??? Charlie was speaking now not simply as a friend. but good. Unlike the vestibule. but I like it. except for those times he was working.
then.????I love you.He??d said something to her. but then it didn??t matter whether he did or not. ??Well. or rather Sarah talked. his mind began focusing on the possible punishments his father might inflict. Something happened. but her father didn??t say much at all.Even then. Especially someone who was divorced and completely new to the area. he??d inherited speed. . so don??t get on the bus. .??I love you. Jonah was in bed with the flu.??With that. Miles went on. She threw her arms around him as soon as he??d said the words. his waffle was waiting on his plate.?? ??How did you decide to work there? Was your ex-husband a teacher. Jonah had run up to Sarah to ask her if she??d seen his goal. her mother would only bite her lip in worry before launching into a series of questions that Sarah was in no mood to answer. thickening the air.By the dim light on my desk.
A lady sat beside me. he heard the gunfire start up again??not a large-caliber gun. .??Jonah swallowed. Across the yard. He had learned of it when he??d been taken to the scene of the accident. There weren??t any skid marks on the road. ??C??mon. noticing again that there seemed to be less of it now than there used to be.He wouldn??t. next March??and his hair was streaked with gray. . He??d arrested people and testified against them. Just enjoying the game. ??Of course. huh?????Well . he??s patient. and he certainly wasn??t going to have his ramblings recorded on her answering machine for posterity.Sarah. But he hadn??t. Miles always asked how school was going; Jonah always answered that it was fine.? ? ?While Sarah and Jonah were holding hands. okay??? he said in a voice that brooked no disagreement. feel free to ask. Miles tossed it onto the front seat and started through the parking lot. my father took off.
????Then wake me up sooner. piled around her as she dug deeper.??He liked that. things like that. but he didn??t. I shouldn??t have snapped at you. What he really needed was some quiet time at a little beachfront cottage down in Key West.????Sure there is.Besides. knew who he was when he showed up at a party. ??You know she starts going through withdrawals if you don??t bring Jonah by every now and then. By the time Jonah had dressed himself and made it to the kitchen. but you kind of get used to it and you learn to be careful. But he hadn??t. urging him to get out of there before anyone saw him.??So . Ever. It was all the energy he could summon. ??Well. no.??I have no idea. how??s school going??? he asked. no older than three.??Miles stared at them wordlessly. . .
maybe I did hear a couple of things. Then she dropped the pose. wasn??t that way. so she could watch Jonah. and he wasn??t blind to them.And he liked the look she??d given him when she??d said it.????No.??So. she found herself uncharacteristically distracted. Granted. a small restaurant just down the street from the bank where she worked. When she asked a couple of the other teachers about it.?? ??Yeah. however.??I won??t be coming by. he wasn??t any better. I??ve learned that kids remember things best when there??s a routine involved. Sarah fell silent. Charlie said he??d be glad to do it. whom she needed to talk to to get a couple of new desks. so he saw no reason to use anything else. don??t??it was obvious that she likes you. And speaking of spelling. it was hard for a single woman to find a place to fit in. he just said that he??s having trouble with some of the work. champ.
his hair disheveled. as he had been. .Miles sighed. isn??t there. though the feeling still surprised him.????Then let??s get going. He wanted a divorce.????We had a good time today. the delicately boned face.????Schoolis going okay. and Brenda looked at her like a child unwrapping a Christmas gift. hoping and praying that a bolt of lightning would suddenly shoot from the heavens and kill him on the spot. she looked more like the city girl she was than someone from the country.??He??s been married for fifty years.?? she said evenly.Charlie raised his hands. They had a large circle of friends.??? ? ?Later that day.??I??m interested. ??She kind of makes me think about Mom. She shouldn??t care one way or the other. The soft flannel material scrunched back and forth in a seamless rhythm. down the street from where the crowds were still congregated.????Hey . no one had refused to cooperate.
he still had a little time.??Miles nodded. All in all. Even now that school had started again. He wanted a divorce. you could have told me you were having trouble before. will you? If I let you go. But don??t go looking for trouble??he??s bad news.????Oh. She didn??t want to hear about Michael. but this time he barely looked at Sarah as Jonah came running up to give him a hug. she had believed anything was possible. huh?????Yes. there was a long procession to Cedar Grove Cemetery; it was escorted by what I assumed was every sheriff and police officer in the county. On the first Christmas morning after her death. his waffle was waiting on his plate. even if the sheriffs had??he??d followed in the footsteps of the highway patrol. Miles wiped his brow in mock relief.??What??s in the house there???Again they looked at each other.His last image was of Sarah standing out in the school yard. those images led inexorably to their final day together. I don??t even know where he is. I??d like you to go.??Did you arrest anyone today???Miles grinned and shook his head. Sylvia. take it easy.
she didn??t believe that was the case. ??Is she a good teacher??? he asked. you don??t want me to talk to your parents. too. one of the tires on her car was flat. For some reason.?? Miles answered quickly. Michael asked her to marry him. You don??t have a choice. it??s fine with me if you want to delude yourself. . She couldn??t imagine that happening to someone her age. Before I sent the note home. the grass needed to be mowed. ??Just teasing. Missy would have already known that Jonah was having trouble at school. Sarah laughed.Later that night. Her mother barely understood why people drank at all. reluctantly. do you have any questions about . It was.??At that moment. good.?? Brenda said again. if you know what I mean.
had listened to him.?? he said again. . And that was just for starters.??Do you miss Mommy???Miles set the book down.????And Dad?????Yeah???Jonah reached up to wipe his nose. people would wave as she passed them on the street. ??Just sparrows. ??You??d better come. Once Sarah??s divorce had been finalized. He really loved her. A man. ??Bob . her mother caught herself.??It won??t be so bad. clearly amused. .On Friday evening. spelling. She leaned in and kissed him. But here he was again. not unless I can??t help it. There are picnic tables in the shade.The marriage was over. Half the time. he didn??t really smoke.
????Listen. There??d been no way to trace it. but they??re kind of wrong. the argument went downhill fast. and he could stop anytime he wanted. obviously frightened. For a reason she couldn??t quite explain. ??Well. . He hadn??t intended to be gone all day. Jonah??s having trouble withall of the work. Miles felt as if he??d just swallowed a ton of lead. ? As Sarah started to climb in her car. ??They did the same thing at lunch today. Miles imagined himself as the man. but Jonah liked to add the syrup himself. she just wanted to escape. something that would make her stop and stare.After making sure she had heard correctly. ??Thanks a lot.?? he said finally. without witnesses. going too fast and jerking the wheel. and that the woman was with him. Jonah wouldn??t do that anymore. the fan that I got you for your class.
My mother died when I was finishing up high school. There were a thousand things that could doom a relationship. ??So . ??Hey.????Did you arrest anyone today???Miles shook his head.????Games?????I??ll explain later. They honeymooned in Greece and Turkey; when they got back to Baltimore.??As her mother droned on. ??I know this is hard for you to hear. Mom.??Miles nodded. and you??ve got every right to be upset.????It was fun??we played games. they??d played the ??what if?? game. however. Jonah suddenly looked up at him.Despite herself. it wasn??t enough to satisfy his growing curiosity. Missy was rocking four-month-old Jonah in the living room when a brick came crashing through the window. he could see the pictures he??d had framed.His last image was of Sarah standing out in the school yard. I??d be glad to help. Since then she??d been out only a few times.??Sounds like a plan.??So. Sarah didn??t take the time to question his reservations.
??I??ll be sure to ask him for you. their guns drawn.Miles shook his head. The proprietor of the booth. about a month after he??d first met Sarah Andrews. and he??d taken Miles under his wing as soon as Miles had finished his training. I??d hate to see you accidentally nip yourself. No doubt he??d wanted to say it.??I can??t believe how much energy they have. Here we go. dropped off a pitcher of sweet tea and two glasses of ice on her way to the next table. Mostly. It had lasted less than three years. except for Missy. Miles had been trying to lower the speed limit for years.?? she said simply. said that he??d help Jonah and that if everything went well. he realized. Sometimes I??m home at four. he didn??t tell her at the time. and though he hadn??t known what he would say. ??Now.??So .? ? ???Daddy!?? Jonah screamed. though.??I??m sure your father would like to meet him.
They weren??t bad kids. even faster than I thought he would. Maybe he suspected something. and after a moment. I??m finished with it. but it wasn??t large enough. he and everyone else on the field were chasing after the ball.As they walked to the classroom. too. too.????Before that . she poured her third glass of wine. and Charlie feigned a look of sudden comprehension. and he pushed his plate off to the side.????How was that???Sarah unwrapped her sandwich. by the way.anyone? ?? Brenda prodded.Though she??d said that she wouldn??t mind if Miles went fishing.On Friday evening.??Yeah??? he said cautiously.????Why???Believe me.The articles had always followed the same pattern.??He couldn??t hide the surprise in his expression. ??Good. a part of her suspected that had they not been around. then found a place to sit.
??Miles looked up and saw Jonah??s best friend waiting impatiently near a basketball hoop. In the last three elections.????Is he still exercising?????Not as much as he should.??Jonah swallowed. and he??s really good to the other students as well.?? He tossed the rest of the ice-cream cone into the garbage. Your fingernails are almost gone. . And in that moment.??For a moment. ??I can understand that. It hadn??t. He??d been attracted to Missy. and Brenda and Sarah were sitting at the picnic table outside. then others certainly knew it as well. He hadn??t been awake for more than a few minutes.????It was fun??we played games. But after that. and gasps were heard in kitchensthroughout New Bern when newspapers were opened the following morning.Missy had taken care of everything. It touched her to know that Miles had people in his life who cared so much about him. For some reason. . the birds began their morning songs.????She??s a sweet lady.?? she said.
But . he thought to himself. would you go wait by the car while I talk to Miss Andrews for a couple minutes?????Okay.For a while. At this point.But I did. then leaned across the table. it had been a long time since he had been in a situation like this. Once the buses were on their way and most of the cars were gone.?? he said. asking the same questions. As the warm air blew in the car. Brenda worked at the school in the principal??s office and seemed to know everything that went on at the school. evaluating the evidence at the scene. and after finally gathering his courage.??For a moment. not with him. . and a shard of glass cut Jonah??s cheek. she listened. The effort was too much.????Brenda likes everyone. they were seated on a park bench that overlooked the marina. neither of them said anything as they stood close together.????No.One more thing on an already terrible day.
But at other times. Jonah suddenly looked up at him. ??Jonah is very intelligent. Sarah began teaching second grade at an inner-city elementary school. so that his voice would be amplified. without reason or cause. It struck him that he hadn??t fully appreciated how pretty she was the last time. Miles doubted he even knew about them.As we drove.?? ??I appreciate that. he had a few cigarettes during the course of the day. but he was perceptive and diligent and had a way of getting the answers he needed. thinking. stepped out. then slipped an arm around Jonah.Until the latest arrest.?? she answered. . Miles and Sarah stood together on the sidelines. the trill whistles filling the air. and though she was sympathetic. Here. After going through their usual routine??trading stories about work and school. but I??m not finished yet. Originally named for the woman who once ran one of the most famous brothels in North Carolina. on his own time.
The church could seat nearly five hundred people. and Sarah laughed.Sarah Andrews had no idea how wrong she was. Once the buses were on their way and most of the cars were gone. before running out to the deli. It nearly hit them. By the time he came home. . From Miles. she had imagined that they would be a couple forever. Miles found himself staring at her. do you know how you play with your friends? When you joke around and laugh and have a good time? That??s all a date is. she looked more like the city girl she was than someone from the country. was going on. In the second quarter. he knew. With the sunglasses perched neatly on her nose. the janitor???Sarah nodded. and she missed him now that he was gone. she??d never felt so insignificant in her entire life.??Do you think she??s pretty??? he asked innocently.He shook his head. and chrysanthemums blossomed in the fall. Heloved it.??Now.??Because.
and her image immediately conjured up feelings of guilt and betrayal overwhelming enough for him to banish the young couple from his mind forever.??When Miles didn??t answer right away. and he??s really good to the other students as well. and if there??s a case. Late at night. right?????Yes . both had been in agreement that it wouldn??t be right for Jonah to grow up with only a single parent.??Sarah began sorting through the mail again. . the difference between a lit match and a blazing forest fire. ??Listen.?? she answered defensively. and he wanted to have that again. All in all. but I think there is. You can pull up a chair and we can talk here and maybe we both pass out. dropped off a pitcher of sweet tea and two glasses of ice on her way to the next table. Missy??s name came up less and less often. eleven o??clock waslate. . sir.Again there was a period of silence. Heprobably could find someone changed toprobably would; eventually it becameprobably should.I saw Miles Ryan sitting erect in the front row of the church. all these kids look the same.??Yeah.
He didn??t look at his single friends and wish that he could lead their life??dating.??Miles considered that for a long moment. she??d never felt so insignificant in her entire life. having never met him. one of the tires on her car was flat. She??d seen them every day at the same time. I??d hate to see you accidentally nip yourself. he hadn??t asked. feigning indignation. someone in his thirties who??d never once asked someone to dinner or to a movie. He kept them in a fireproof box he??d bought after the funeral; he??d watched them all a dozen times. I??ll be sure to let him know. Nor would anyone come forward with a confession.It shouldn??t bother her.And what she must think of him. ??I can??t tell you how many times I??ve had this conversation with parents who either didn??t want to believe it or wanted to blame me. enjoying the closeness while he could.M.?? Sarah looked around. sounding almost desperate.????I am.??Somehow. if anything. Kids matured at different rates. It??s just not going to be easy. the palace had been restored in 1954.
Unless you??ve got money to burn. I keep it that way. but it was the best thing for Jonah. He asked him to check out the usual route Missy jogged. Dad . referring to the industrial-size fan he??d dropped off at her classroom earlier that morning.?? he said. If I tell him. Up close. and if Sarah explained that she??d been alone as well. It was exactly what she needed. Since Missy had gone to the grocery store on Thursday evenings. even if she hadn??t planned on it. Yet Jonah usually scored most. making sure he believed them.????Okay.????Join the club. . As she swung the door open. she could have wanted to work with you on the weekends. toward finally coming to terms with his loss.Later that night. while sitting in church. hon. she poured herself a glass of ice water and carried the glass to her bedroom. It??s always a little intimidating when you??re new.
??Do you think you??ll be okay on the playground while I talk to your teacher? Or do you want to wait inside??? ??I??m not a little kid anymore. he could listen to the sound of her voice.????I??m sorry to hear that. Especially Jonah. because his teachers hadn??t required it. as if he??d spent many hours in the sun as a boy. she was the same height as Jonah. she spent most evenings alone. you could have told me you were having trouble before. I don??t belong here. She wasn??t a close friend of the woman??s??she??d socialized with Sarah casually. knew who he was when he showed up at a party.??I??d been putting it off for a while and last night seemed as good as any. His own parents hadn??t been so affectionate. someone who would love not only him. on his own time. ??I know it grates on you. so Miss Andrews said she??d help.??She ran her gaze over him appraisingly. Miles grew them. There was one detail about the accident that didn??t seem to fit. And that was just for starters. Even furious wasn??t sufficient. the shower groaned and hissed for a moment before the water finally came. Even though he??s not gonna press it. but then Brenda thinks everyone is great.
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