"And now you've found me
"And now you've found me. "And a good one." she whispered. A white-haired man. And she ran. "Memories. If you want to. howsoever. "kill them all. Blood began to drip from the Fop's lips. She read it and nodded. it was more than that. They were People. On the other hand. The posters did not really say that. He ran. through the candles. _Caesar as Prospero. made of many kinds of wax and tallow; a man thrust what appeared to be a child's severed hand clutching a candle toward him as he passed. through the mire. Croup said. "Oh yes. pleased to be home. Croup and Mr. puzzled. He supposed she had gone back to her parents' house in the country." continued the marquis." he said quietly.
I've been running and hiding and running so hard that . and that he was starving. but it sounded so young. long time ago. splashing through the mud and filth. despite the heat of his brazier. less richly carpeted stairs. . . the ground level having risen since Constantine's mother's day (most of the original London Wall is fifteen feet below street level today). . And they walked away together through the hole in the wall. and he had begun to tremble. Yes. "Richard. The old man waved happily at Richard and vanished off into the night. Richard inclined his head. but they were dwarfed by the gray-green Atlantic waves. She had opened the curtains. Door hesitated for a moment." And he hung up." he said. cutting him off on his little hill. and the man held it. and might. She turned to him._ she says. and he sprang to his feet.
" said Richard. She headed toward the doors. "Think of him. off to one side. with a blinding smile. "Very clever. unlit underpass. "See." said Richard. He tossed Lear a lace-edged handkerchief of patched linen." He inclined his head. Richard shivered. "we had wine. "Somebody. Varney?" asked Mr. Do you know--" But someone dropped him onto the floor and moved on. Richard crossed the court and walked down some steps into an underpass.' " "Oh. "Just wait by the wall. "Which way to the Black Friars. gently. he tumbled it half-off her. from behind him. when he had caught up. three women from the caterers. . Dangerous. The other Richard began to speak.
down to the sodium-lit pavement below. He washed the sick from his face and hands with water from the bucket. The audience had their back to him. An inkwell; a chess-piece; a bone die; a gold pocket-watch; several quill-feathers and ._ Door began to talk. "With the angel gone. "May the Temple and the Arch be with you all. her odd-colored eyes narrowed. Vandemar. then?" asked Richard. The small silver box was sitting on the top of Old Bailey's treasures." she said. . She hugged him tightly. "Good. Mr." She folded her arms beneath her breasts. But I don't belong in this world. Vandemar's voice; it appeared to be lecturing him. exactly like a recently retired minor official were it not for the tin hat. "Hello?" The line hissed and crackled as if the call were coming from a long way away. "I tried to tell you that before." he said. He handed it to Dunnikin. . It had rained while they had been at the market. but he honestly felt it was so much kinder if they died outright. small mangonels and trebuchets for breaking walls.
Mr. Door grabbed it with both hands and pushed against it. "I'll take my payment from him. but for Olympia. "Well . Croup picked up the earpiece. and he brooded." The damp. moving humanity. Mr. "One of them. into the night. y'know." said the marquis to Mr. His food cost him a ballpoint pen. Vandemar still occasionally found fragments of snuff merchant in it. thudding in his ears. with a tinkling. an unfamiliar edge to her voice. were tongs. "What a refreshing mind you have. and clean as any time he had walked around it in Jessica's wake on a Saturday afternoon." he said." Richard began to admit. "Hello. following his nose. And then. "After what happened last time? I don't think so.
. Richard. dropped the eight feet to the next building. Richard hoped that was true. bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry. and his eyes were sunken and dark. patting her shoulder." he hissed. He made his way west toward Tower Hill Station and stopped a little before the station. well. The girl called Door passed the paper to Richard. It'll be fine. You don't see many of those anymore." said Mr." He turned away. Hello?" "I'm not an idiot. too." said Door. Mister Croup." said Old Bailey. bullying. and a low roar filled Richard's head. also. and a towel." It released her chin and stroked her face with long." lied Clarence. "Did you bring back her body?" The abbot shook his head. _All fire burns.
I told him I would help him. Your Grace. ." "Spare any change?" The man sat in a doorway. "Here you go. silently. They can unlock doors that are locked. But no; it swung open at Mr. "that was okay. "_Me?_ Um. Then a thought struck him. She moved to another room._ There was a sputter." Mr. "Islington. "Belfast. and he took care to walk. "Orders from the earl. young man. "I'm not actually a rat-speaker. wriggling and hissing and spitting and scratching. I told them there was nothing more I could have done. "No . sat on the carpeted floor of his new apartment. "The boss. The wheelchair was being pushed by a large Black Friar. stores where Jessica was able to purchase anything. then.
"Yes I do." He watched the emotions flicker across her face: quiet anger and. at de Carabas. "Go on. to Richard. Have you anything to bind it with?" Old Bailey fumbled in his pockets and pulled out a grubby length of cloth. "Are they really your brothers?" he asked." she added. They lived in a world of gurgles and drips." she said. and even patted his bottom. His eyes flickered from the statue to Old Bailey. I'm afraid he's ever-so-slightly--" "Dead as a doornail. and replacing the stinking mudflats that had festered along the banks of the Thames for the previous five hundred years. "I wondered whether you were as dead as Croup and Vandemar claimed you were." He pulled on a coat. flatly. hard." said Richard. . He looked at Jessica's photograph for inspiration and found all the inspiration he could have needed in the shape of a yellow Post-it note stuck to her forehead. covered in a black. Now. You're right. then the Fop's head rocked back." He rested a huge hand on her shoulder. disdainfully. "Thanks.
Gradually he realized that the Tube map was a handy fiction that made life easier but bore no resemblance to the reality of the shape of the city above. "Hullo. "You can't go there . Then. "Then from now on. "What kind of dreams?" "Bad ones. "Third door along. a squirming." he boomed. "Now. unlit underpass. he was certain that his experiences of the last day paled into something small and insignificant when placed beside whatever the marquis had experienced." said Door. I needed a change. And they walked through the open door." said Richard. watching him. and through the connecting door behind it. "Wait. "Still. while Mr. ." As the Beast came toward her. A flung fifty-pence coin opened Lear's cheek. "The Lady Door. perhaps out of frustration. He could see the sign for it. and at last she slept.
I mean. salt. "Well-well. "Excuse me. "How did they know?" "Someone told them." said the flat voice. His left eye started to swell. reflected in its window. She shook her pixy head. Croup would push the shopping cart. no rat-speakers." he said. Croup sniffed." said Richard. utter. Best of luck." boomed the earl. No one's going to touch me here. "Here. The marquis stared at Richard. . I'll meet you at the next market." he said." he told her. "I really do. tongues pierced. "And how is the Creature from the Black Lagoon?" "Jessica's from Ilford." The angel shook its head.
Jessica didn't like Richard's apartment: it made her feel uncomfortably female." He looked around. and dropped the twisted thing to the floor. She wanted to stop." Richard averted his head and tried not to breathe through his nose until they were well away from the Sewer Folk's stall. His mouth tasted like several small animals had been using it as a rest room. I was only eleven. thought Richard. Door. Vandemar. quietly. and he threw the remote control at it as hard as he could." corrected Lamia. Through the door. That's the joke. and helped Door up. Somebody stepped on his fingers. an underground hall. The oldest rook cawed a question. _Mansfield Park_ abandoned. Funny old fellow. between Richard and Door. in a smooth. He said I could trust you. The doors were closed. His forehead creased. and was. "Uh-uh.
and was." she hesitated. looking at none of them. as the bird shrank in the sky and vanished behind some rooftops. just to see your friend. "I'm sure you'll have fun. her baby sister. but none of them were someones in the way that she meant. Vandemar shook his head. The smoke-tentacle let go of Richard's ankle and slid back over the edge of the platform. Firelight glinted from the glass blade. His left eye started to swell. She nodded. which were slightly greasy. " Richard had tuned him out. ." The jester stared at the trailing toes of his shoes. kind and creased. on occasion. Hang on--" She pressed him against the wall. eh?" He leered at her and touched her tangle of hair with his old fingers. Tooley. ." said the marquis. . and . rational part of his mind that wondered about the elevator: who had called it back up. or grey; they reminded him of fire opals: there were burning greens and blues.
and began. you know. to comprehend the city. rather obviously. Gary scratched his head. . "All right. and the sense of impending catastrophe increases with every step. "He wants to know who you all are. perhaps for miles. and began to carry it out of the office. Have either of you crossed Night's Bridge before?" Anaesthesia shook her head. "Mind the Gap. No one. "Is that better?" said the person who had been Gary. subtracting. "Stop that.'_ " Somebody began knocking at the door. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. and we returned it. "She's hurt. "We'll need special tools. disdainfully. His left leg had gotten numb." "That's good." A gentle smile. of quartz prisms and brass gears and springs and cogs. who had recently broken up with his girlfriend.
too. She was wearing different clothes beneath her battered brown leather jacket: they were still layered and ripped and patched. feeling so far out of his depth that it didn't even occur to him to question any further. waggling the orange troll. Mr. He tried to apologize to her in French. She leaned against the wall. locking a door and then walking toward the Tube. positioning her serving staff. to divulge to you what vexes me. before it was even completed. "When people say that on films. . "Me?" said Richard. through the dark. It came to a full stop: all the carriages were dark. with his hands over his eyes." said Richard to them. He walked over to his knife and picked it up by the hilt. quietly. It was cold. sadly. "I haven't got a circumlo . "Drink it carefully. Croup's head: Varney flung himself down." said Richard. He swallowed. the metallic slam of the elevator door.
" There was a moment of utter silence. "Like the alligators in the sewers of New York City. . Richard raised his head. is he. and he appeared unimpressed; but then. Firelight glinted from the glass blade." "Yeah. he had forgotten about it completely and utterly." The marquis coughed." gasped the marquis. Her cheek was grazed. by Christopher Wren. a young man named Clarence." he said. Richard walked over to the window and looked out. Then she did the only thing she could think of. Richard banged his forehead into something hard and said "ow. slowly. and to this end. then tried to push it back down again. and its headlights flashed." corrected Mr. Nothing is to hurt her. Gerald. Bit of a thank-you. . "Hi Dick.
but the sky was beginning to lighten. shook their respective heads. and looked at him. It hurt his finger. like a bass drumbeat. "As far away as I could send him. It was not a welcoming "morning. and was certainly going somewhere. He watched her pull back. but a wine unlike any Richard had ever seen. And then he smiled. not days or weeks. And then. The next time the floors were washed. . or something he could not even imagine. oh. and said. to comprehend the city. beauty. "Door." he sang. Varney was undoubtedly dangerous. twisted his head around on his neck." he said. All his possessions were in there. it opened. "Oh look.
" and went back to sleep. "Darkness is happening. Was it expensive?" "I swapped some stuff for it. Eastern angels." he said. "Torture her. . "Are we going to have that drink. I really appreciate everything you've done. "You may go. No one stopped him; no one seemed to care. "I'll go on in front. The place did look a little like a stable. . Vandemar's knife was in his hand. somewhat against his will. She had a battered leather duffel bag over her shoulder. Richard. and he was on his way. "Right." Richard snorted. And it came to him then. You're right. scare her. "Magazine . _Parity. and then the other. coldly.
yellow and black and brown. . There was no longer a feather by the curb." "You haven't forgotten your keys again. Down Street. Is that not so? With our pretty clothes. and gripped it as tightly as he could. Croup hissed. "Hunter?" Hunter slipped out of the shadows. what it could do." Gary looked at his watch. He made the statue of the Beast vanish inside his coat once more. too." There was honest concern in its voice. as people pushed in front of him; he was buffeted by the crowd. Sometimes there is nothing you can do. You got that?" The pigeon burbled liquidly back at her.' " Mr. assisted in hanging and exhibiting the collection. "If I have to. at the main gate. but I can't go back there. Vandemar walked through the sewer. then he shook his head as if to clear it. Croup. Richard went down on one knee; the earl tapped him gently on each shoulder with the knife. reached out its hand. Richard found himself conducting the negotiations for a cottage cheese and lettuce sandwich and a cup of what looked and smelled like home-brewed lemonade.
Her disposition seemed to have improved remarkably. pointing to the train floor. Vandemar. awkwardly. who live in the cracks. "Give me the key. but it was also covered with shoes--kicking the coins. "It's not. and suddenly the door was framed in light. " They had put down the phone. no miracle that would save him . After this the exhibition'll be going to America. "is so funny?" _"Safe. self-importantly." said Door. Her eyes were sharp. and the skin is in the center. and passengers got on and got off. The string music was getting louder. "We'll need special tools. beginning with finding a girl bleeding on the pavement. Then it turned away. which grumbled and fidgeted in his grasp and pecked ineffectively at his fingers. Now you're one of them. They were in a large anteroom. Croup leaned down and picked up the marquis's head by the hair. it _would_ be nice. that the man could see them--and also that he was doing his best to pretend that he couldn't.
"Richard? I've got a job for you. and was still wearing everything she'd taken. Vandemar. The marquis was walking around the perimeter. of honeysuckle and lily of the valley and musk. and the thread snapped easily. A man scuttled toward them. "Ah. Mister Stockton's driver's phoned from the car. and remaining on the floor. after a moment's hesitation. I know every inch of the Underside. "I don't see the point in this. Hunter reached out her hand and pushed the end of the crossbow back down toward the floor. There were statues of angels on tiny plinths. Richard realized that this was the first time he had ever seen Hunter display any emotion other than effortless competence or." he said. . He he wiped it off. Who are they." It handed the glass to Door. and vanished into the sewers. B. no trick or prank." she said." chorused Richard and Door. and gestured with its front paws. and in front of him.
but fluttering. They cleaned out the cut--which was much less severe than Richard remembered it from the night before--and bandaged it up." Iliaster shook his head." The person at the other end of the phone had hung up." The angel gestured. Richard found himself. drained of blood from many cuts. knelt down on the pavement. gesturing. The central courtyard of Mr. The abbot held Brother Fuliginous's arm. . Croup sat down at the base of Mr." She stopped. or desperate enough to dare. arterial blood trickled from the corner of her mouth. Hunter's voice said. A silver key hung from a thread." asked the marquis de Carabas. and he stepped out of frame." said Clarence. "She has taken note of your concern . so instead he pushed. "You worry me. Then." said Mr. "Can we come inside?" asked Mr. Croup's last statement with the intensity of an anatomist dissecting his one true love.
After a while he found himself at the edge of a flat roof. She shrugged. "Yes. and with her mind. now that she had the scroll." "Let them go. clambering down the metal ladder set into the wall beneath the manhole. Vandemar apart: first. though. next to. and beamed. too. he was almost next to the little statue when the marsh made a noise that sounded like a giant stomach rumbling. Clarence came back in. "That's it. She was also. then gently ran it across the side of the head of the spear. "if you're really squeamish you only have to hold the bandages and tie the ends where I can't reach. something that involved the sudden connection of Varney's leather-bound foot and Ruislip's testicles. " He was silent then." She mused for a moment. going back the way they had come. The creature's just biding its time. and Richard watched the dawn breaking over forests and marshes that he kept thinking of as Greenwich and Kent and the sea. And then they talk around you. "Now. itching welts. and put away even more impressive.
elderly man." said Door." Varney began to laugh: a manic giggle. solemnly. "you don't think you're ever going to see him again. Richard hoped that was true. The Lord Rat-speaker stood up." and he put it away again. The throbbing noise became much louder. flooding the imaginary station with warm yellow light. . A white-haired man. so hungry. Mister Vandemar. I can't._ "No. his helmet filled with chocolate bars and cans of Coke; the doors were permitted to close. and swayed back and forth." he said. girl._ Still: he was in Lord Portico's study. You don't get any answers. dead or not. But-- There was a scratching noise. She tinked her fingernail against a glass. "You told me he was dead. please. .
"The last time you were here. Her disposition seemed to have improved remarkably. The night was complete. He he wiped it off. counted out pound coins. Ragged grass grew up through the abandoned desks. fumbling for the troll. Then he would call in the appropriate authorities. "Bugger and blast. He stopped. "You ought to put that thing away. not uncomfortably. on his last birthday. although she did not feel like smiling. and he had been inside. Weathered gargoyles. Richard. People who come from here. "We would appear to have crossed successfully. as if it were exploring her secret places. Mr. had embarked on a campaign of systematic grave robbery. " she trailed off. in a smooth. "Live long enough. back and forth. The other Richard began to speak. You really don't.
and blew kisses to several spectators." They went into another room. "Your Grace. "Never you fear. trying to move it. it is. "Might I remind Your Grace. as it had hovered in those long-ago times. on a ledge. There was a heavy wooden trapdoor in the top of the tower. against the warm dead flanks of the Beast. "Who?" "Your mystery man. She said very little; she chewed her fingernails. but she got a bit funny in the head. and he wondered why he had ever thought that Door would have been pleased to see him. Door learned to open some time after she learned to walk. "What kind of personal physical services?" he asked. And amplified . "Can you hear me?" There was a pause. you don't take particularly kindly to disappointment. There are other people walking beside him. "I ." said Door. . and it had once sat on the top of Richard's computer screen. in a way that made him think of great cats in cages at zoos; while Lamia smelled. and his own knife at his throat. graciously.
. patiently. It smelled like drains at the top of the sewer--a dead. There was a click. "Croup and Vandemar?" "No." said Mr. Croup did not look up." Hunter said nothing. He thumbed the speakerphone off; it rang again. "I'm sorry about the other night. . I just decided to take matters into my own hands. "Varney's the finest bravo and guard in the Underside. "Oh." There was a murmur of appreciation. Vandemar threw his knife at the marquis. The betrayal hurt him as much as the blow. There was a faraway screaming noise. too. The platform was empty. Now Portico wore a long coat. we're just here to worry you. resignation. Door-- keep away from it--" Islington caressed her cheek._ "No. with a rope suspended from the clapper. lost something?" asked Mrs. The opal eyes flashed.
and--what do we know? We know that--" An interruption; he picked his nose. "We should have been safe here." said Richard." She looked up at him." it explained. It wasn't the words that Richard found so unpleasant: it was the tone of voice in which the information was transmitted. ?" "Just reminding myself. salt. and loudly declaimed the superiority of their merchandise. The man with the glass dagger threw himself on his knees. Croup as it fell away from them. and asked what kind of service he would like. Vandemar. clutching his candelabra. breathe. damn you. and turned. He made his own. "My hand . He walked in. "Well. "Richard? I've got a job for you. "Varney's the best bravo and guard in the Underside." And with that he was over the side of the building. I don't know how long I've got before they find this room. like . We haven't got the time. "Should have followed my idea.
_really. "You." said the man. Everything is going to be normal again. . Her eyes opened. and he took them all out." he said. They felt so small. Richard could see all the way across the bridge. ." said the marquis de Carabas. a bar of soap. "One of those. and trying to help. where. a lonely mausoleum of a place. Its face was pale and wise. Hands covered ears. sipping the liquid light. " began Mr. "Further movements are not recommended. It seemed such a stupid thing to say. like an addict catching a plastic baggie filled with white powder of dubious legality." He slid the knife blade gently beneath Richard's earlobe. "Hurt him some more. and saddened. at night.
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