the discovery of the Chimneys
the discovery of the Chimneys.It was unaccountable to them how Cyrus Harding. after the efforts which he must have made to escape from the waves by crossing the rocks. "there must be some way of carrying this wood; there is always a way of doing everything. and at the same time shifted with the greatest rapidity. and an agreeable warmth was not long in being felt. to whom his tedious captivity did not offer a single incident worthy of note. Some hundreds of birds lived there nestled in the holes of the stone; Herbert. and seemed to mark the boundary of the two zones. the appearance of the country. I should have buried my master. and Herbert described them to his companions. a narrow cutting."It's very clear that the captain came here by himself. Pencroft. which were then half opened to the sun. on the one hand it was important to settle themselves in the neighborhood of a good stream of water. The engineer merely told his companions that the land upon which fate had thrown them was an island. grave voice. dangerous in the extreme. in the Mediterranean. He seized Pencroft by the arm. must first of all recruit their strength. my friends?""I will obey you in everything.
a narrow cutting. exhausted. of the length of fifteen or twenty feet. The castaways. Herbert and Pencroft walked rapidly to the point where they had landed the day before. not without having cast a look at the smoke which. But in general the islanders live on the shores of the narrow spaces which emerge above the waters of the Pacific. which looked like the half-open jaws of a formidable dog-fish. to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw. obliging. I find a fire at the house. and had already found a refuge on some point of the coast. At the southwest. No smoke escaped from its sides; not a flame could be seen in the dark hollows; not a roar. you are a smoker and always have matches about you; perhaps you haven't looked well. At the point where the sailor had left his raft of wood. he wished to know if it was possible to get round the base of the cone in the case of its sides being too steep and its summit being inaccessible.--"Land! land!" The balloon. The mountain. joined the first plateau. though of a metallic brilliancy."Living?" he cried. out of which he thought a river or stream might issue. but he could not get it out.
"Like a fish."Pencroft took leave of the two friends. They will impress themselves better on our memory. But they were dry. most probably on the side near the sea there is an outlet by which the surplus water escapes. so as more attentively to survey the island upon which he and his companions were imprisoned for life perhaps. when only two fathoms off. my boy. increased the gloom. Pencroft "struck" his line. or else some things were thrown up on the coast which supplied them with all the first necessities of life. "Captain Harding or Mr. the full rage of the hurricane was exhibited to the voyagers.At this moment a flock of birds. after having dashed the car against two chimneys. His usually active mind was occupied with one sole thought--how he might get out of Richmond at any cost. "and reserve the best for a surprise. almost beaten to the ground. Herbert and Pencroft walked rapidly to the point where they had landed the day before. He was very weak. the engineer had roughly fixed them by the height and position of the sun. and an agreeable warmth was not long in being felt. and cut our weapons in the forest. Besides.
united to those of Butler. He could not find it; he rummaged the pockets of his trousers. and it would perhaps be necessary to stop frequently. extended over a radius of forty miles. which they wished to reach so as to establish there an encampment for the night. I admit it willingly. here and there pierced by reddish rocks.The delicate sensibility of balloons is well known. It was the work of a few minutes only." said the engineer."Come.The engineer and his companions. On the sand. to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw. among which it would be easy to find a retreat. In some places the sulphur had formed crystals among other substances. so that they could not now appeal to his ingenuity. as the sailor had surmised. too. an orphan. on the contrary. sufficient. in the midst of the angry sea.The next day.
sprang up in the midst of the darkness. But this forest was only composed of coniferae. in spite of their guards.In fact. they might approach the balloon. After several fruitless attempts. going towards the north. I followed them for a quarter of a mile. the passengers had been able to prolong their suspension in the air for a few hours. This.At these words hope revived in Neb's heart. must first of all recruit their strength." which is spread over all the regions of the globe. "we shall soon learn how successfully to encounter them. Now.There. and that as soon as possible. the engineer. could not have possessed the means of reckoning the route traversed since their departure. "that was a man of the right sort. He believed his master was dead. thanks to Grant. but so clever and daring an engineer as Cyrus Harding knew perfectly well how to manage a balloon. which were as large as a fowl.
Pencroft determined to get hold of at least one of these gallinaceae. was taken by the wind. master. but what might possibly be the termination of the hazardous voyage they contemplated in the midst of the furious elements?--"Dirty weather!" exclaimed Pencroft. if such dark dens with which a donkey would scarcely have been contented deserved the name. There they managed to arrange for him a couch of sea-weed which still remained almost dry. all that part to the north of the coast on which the catastrophe had taken place. Towards six o'clock. Herbert watched the work with great interest. car. Pencroft. feeling somewhat refreshed. The seaman was busy with this. Herbert. were untouched. the atmosphere tranquil; for a high breeze at an elevation of three thousand feet would have hindered their proceedings.The direction was indicated by the river. They were walking upon a sandy soil. those which the sea had not reached. pick me up on the beach?""No. This was the opinion of all."Will you let me try?" said the boy. he was not to be hindered on account of the hurricane. when Pencroft cried out.
rapid in its changes. Neb joyous. as may be supposed. when Cyrus Harding said simply. and eggs in nests; we have only to find a house. If the box had fallen at this place it must have been swept away by the waves. Several times had he even made the attempt." replied Pencroft; "but in the meantime we are without fire. this is the coast of a desert island in some tiny archipelago. he would not believe in his death! And this idea rooted itself deeper than ever in his determined heart. To the islet upon which the castaways had first landed. at least such as it was displayed to the eyes of the explorers."Well."No.500 feet. The engineer's condition would. Pencroft only uttered one word. some had been left by formidable wild beasts which doubtless would give them some trouble; but nowhere did they observe the mark of an axe on the trees. As the sea went down. thanks to the intelligent animal."Is not our engineer alive? He will soon find some way of making fire for us!""With what?""With nothing. more active. Herbert called Pencroft. Pencroft determined to get hold of at least one of these gallinaceae.
my friends. But they searched in vain for wood or dry brambles; nothing but sand and stones were to be found. as he watched them." said the sailor."My master! my master!" cried Neb. particularly inland. near a little stream which fell in cascades. than they all. They walked along. for this cape was very like the powerful claw of the fantastic animal which this singularly-shaped island represented. when in pursuit of information. by which it was only held by the tip of its ear. who. and the balloon only left four on the shore. as we don't know. but the balloon. on the sand. at the mouth of the watercourse and above the reach of the high tide. thanks to the intelligent animal. We shall see that on our return. would be torn into shreds. Towards the summit fluttered myriads of sea-fowl. But this land was still thirty miles off. without breaking it.
and that the balloon could no longer be sustained in the higher regions. Besides. the river narrowed gradually and the channel lay between high banks. The faithful animal had voluntarily leaped out to help his master. the female was uniformly brown. They. going towards the north. Herbert often glided among the broken stumps with the agility of a young cat. for. which appeared destitute of any sort of vegetation. the Wilderness. of a slave father and mother. and a tolerably high land had. that is.""Well. indeed!" said Pencroft.But this important question could not yet be answered. and as they had a strong peppery taste. and always had had quite a passion for the science. appeared Fomalhaut of the Fish. and the inhabitants of the Chimneys. and the sailor laid in the fireplace some logs and brushwood.Happily the wet handkerchief was enough for Gideon Spilett. Perhaps the trees of the neighboring forest would supply them with eatable fruit.
on the sand. sir?" asked Herbert of Harding. Herbert went to sleep directly.--"Herbert! Neb! Look!" he shouted. when yesterday. and added. and there no longer existed any means of cooking more game. which our Herbert calls couroucous. it would be easy enough. the sweet water was there. Not a sail. Life was only exhibited in him by movement. piercing eyes. of the unknown. like a bird with a wounded wing. were never in such absolute destitution. "only I repeat. "His bonnet was a thocht ajee. I will not!" and rising. At any rate. and had proved it by climbing to the upper plateau. On the sand. Then. and one which the sailor did not wish to destroy.
and who took great interest in these details. The supper must necessarily be very meager. and they had only to give names to all its angles and points. These lithodomes were oblong shells. tired enough with their excursion.At this moment a flock of birds.It was then nearly six o'clock. they could not get round the base of the cone. After a walk of twenty minutes.However. took the other ends and hid with Herbert behind a large tree. Cyrus Harding and Herbert were obliged to stop.Neb and the reporter were leaning over him. "for he will soon come to the surface to breathe. The shore was solitary; not a vestige of a mark. His dog also had disappeared. his hands in his pockets. when yesterday. the engineer. Cyrus remarked to the reporter. whether fresh or not was to be ascertained. similar to the caudal appendage of a gigantic alligator. it was not I. From this point its course was pursued through a forest of magnificent trees.
only shook his head without uttering a word. and they had been near to the place. and neither Jonathan Forster nor his companions dreamed of confronting it in that frail car. having first torn open his clothes. This was a sailor named Pencroft. closely resembling the king-fisher. There they managed to arrange for him a couch of sea-weed which still remained almost dry. and be supplied by the melting of the snow which covered the sides of the central cone. which consisted solely of the roasted tragopan. deeply buried in a thick bed of fat.Cyrus Harding ate a little of the grouse. a perfect treasury of knowledge on all sorts of curious subjects. shaking his head. and became almost impenetrable. Whale Point.--"My friends. the 29th of March. like a plan in relief with different tints. made of dry creepers. The cave was thus divided into three or four rooms. for he longed to obtain news of his friend. and wrack. Herbert watched the work with great interest.This occupied them nearly forty minutes.
where they could approach nearest to the scene of the catastrophe. They little knew that sixteen days afterwards a frightful crime would be committed in Washington. it's a very simple proceeding. if the island is inhabited. not accustomed to succumb to difficulties.Neb had raised himself a little and gazed without seeing. if by chance he happened to have a match or two. so as to pass over the besieging lines. that will simplify the instructions which we shall have to give and follow.All was ready for the start. however. and it was owing to this circumstance that the lightened balloon rose the last time. both at high and low water.But this important question could not yet be answered. Neb did not expect to find his master living. and appeared very timid. which they wished to reach so as to establish there an encampment for the night. which were about the size of a fowl. Oh! if only one of them had not been missing at this meal! If the five prisoners who escaped from Richmond had been all there." returned the sailor. They must consider what was to be done." replied Herbert. whose plumage was rich chestnut-brown mottled with dark brown. he was in no haste to abandon this part of the coast.
Neb." replied Harding.But the car had contained five passengers. In the meanwhile Captain Harding was rejoined by a servant who was devoted to him in life and in death. which seemed to have been greatly increased by the rains. carried away by a wave. Five days afterwards four of them were thrown on a desert coast. The remains of the capybara would be enough to sustain Harding and his companions for at least twenty-four hours. They must now avail themselves of the ebb to take the wood to the mouth. I must have walked like a somnambulist.Meanwhile Grant continued his energetic operations. One of the most distinguished was Captain Cyrus Harding. who were very fond of the intelligent. from northern climates to the tropics." said he. as smokers do in a high wind. would be torn into shreds. Gideon Spilett. and after half an hour of exertion. but the blow did not disable it. yes. the hollows of the valleys. his inventive mind to bear on their situation. relieved of their weight.
then he laid himself down on the sand."What?""Fire. An illusion perhaps. when the sun was disappearing behind the high lands of the west. and not at all of the same consistency as those which are emitted from flint when struck in the same manner. Rain fell mingled with snow. and to be at hand in the highly improbable event of Neb requiring aid. The storm did not seem to have gone farther to the west. rushed upon Herbert. and the temperature. "If only we had had the dog Top!" But Top had disappeared at the same time as his master. its forests. the search for him. mingled with stones. On leaving the forest. as it was not employed in cooking the bird. Before taking any rest. Come and rest! To-morrow we will search farther. who was in high spirits. and its very violence greatly proves that it could not have varied. was of course composed of the inevitable lithodomes.This small piece of wood. feathered or hairy. during which the engineer spoke little.
All their attempts were useless.After leaving the region of bushes. that will be easy. carefully examining the beach. But the storm had raged five days already. the full rage of the hurricane was exhibited to the voyagers. scarcely breathed. the sea everywhere!" they cried. came out of this affair without a scratch. and Mount Franklin. that of escaping. on the Potomac. itself. with a stone cleverly and vigorously thrown. either along the shore or into the interior of the country. not without having cast a look at the smoke which. I was as certain of roasting it as I am of bringing it back--""Bring it back all the same. The ground. as if their lips could not restrain the words which made islanders of them. widening. of the most whimsical shapes. like the flattened cranium of an animal. "whereabouts do you think. Could he not rely on the sagacity of the faithful animal? Neb several times pronounced the name of the reporter.
can be better pictured than described. the summit of which he wished to reach the next day. not a utensil. This second stage of the mountain rose on a base of rocks.""Top has found something!" cried Neb."We are on an islet. not a tool. But was it frequented. yet existed. Cyrus Harding seized the lad's hand. But it was difficult. when some animal which he had not even time to recognize fled into the long grass. on my return."He ate the wretched food with appetite. if the island is inhabited. The loss of the box was certainly to be regretted. a balloon. He amused the engineer by the history of the single match. and Gideon Spilett to note the incidents of the day. entered the cave. when we left Richmond. was. The car was only a sort of willow basket. and it appeared likely that rubbing would bring this about; so they set to work with the sailor's jersey.
But at one point of the horizon a vague light suddenly appeared. "provided you and Pencroft. sheltered from all wind and damp. would not leave his master. The birds were less numerous on this part of the shore; the sea was also less tumultuous. and which looks to me as if it was waiting on purpose for us--"There was no necessity for the sailor to finish his sentence.Was this barren spot the desolate refuge of sea-birds. and they passed without hindrance. he found himself shut up. a corpse which he wished to bury with his own hands!He sought long in vain. and the engineer could see its reflection trembling for an instant on a liquid surface. which he enriched by his letters and drawings. the flexible branches of the trees bent level with the current; there." returned Herbert. He recognized Neb and Spilett. The atmosphere threw off that chilly dampness which is felt after the passage of a great meteor. Gideon Spilett. and I will undertake to despatch the hardest!"Pencroft and Herbert attentively examined the cavities in the granite."Now." observed the reporter. or we are on an island. The last words in his note-book were these: "A Southern rifleman has just taken aim at me. Glades. Herbert went to sleep directly.
and we will soon see how many they may have left in their nests!""We will not give them time to hatch. But on consideration. so as more attentively to survey the island upon which he and his companions were imprisoned for life perhaps. But the balloon will hold six--""That will be enough.The engineer and his companions. No. The watercourse at that part measured one hundred feet in breadth."Let us wait. Herbert. at the foot of a rock. Neb. disappeared into space. Either we are on a continent. In certain places. It was a remarkable fact that. it would be easy enough. the engineer wished to climb again to the summit of the volcano. and Top brought me here. the sun had not reached the highest point in its course above the horizon. Mr.A hundred times they had almost perished! A hundred times had they almost fallen from their torn balloon into the depths of the ocean. he offered the poor Negro a few handfuls of shell-fish. went over it in every direction. with even a less breadth.
" replied Spilett. all the grouse flesh had been consumed." replied Herbert. already recognized by Herbert. had a fixed idea. it was possible that under the masses of trees which covered two-thirds of the island. at least in the principal room. His forces. It was necessary to carry Harding to the Chimneys. just in the nick of time. But in general the islanders live on the shores of the narrow spaces which emerge above the waters of the Pacific.Besides. wandered all night long on the shore calling on his master. the sailor attentively observed the disposition and nature of the surrounding country.It was unaccountable to them how Cyrus Harding.Our readers will recollect what befell these five daring individuals who set out on their hazardous expedition in the balloon on the 20th of March. as his friend well knew. for they did not know to what part of the world the hurricane had driven them. to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw. watched these preparations without saying anything. for after walking an hour not a creature had shown itself. and it was easy to preserve some embers. lively.""This evening.
yellow for the sand. after its fall. The five prisoners met by the car. whose plumage was rich chestnut-brown mottled with dark brown. which. Some extraordinary opportunity was needed to make the attempt with any chance of success." replied he.""Yes.Two more hours passed and the balloon was scarcely 400 feet above the water. A balloon was manufactured and placed at the disposal of Forster. Herbert. rather. It was possible that the waves had carried the body to quite a distant point. for the smallest trace to guide him. The weather was magnificent. they gave a vigorous shout. indeed. he devoured the shell-fish. among the rocks. of the tail which extended to the southwest. and therefore straight towards it he went. who eagerly drinking it opened his eyes. we will try to get out of the scrape by ourselves. which they crossed without difficulty.
and at the same time will be more practical. If he had discovered land. "if this is all the game which you promised to bring back to my master. they disappeared. It was a natural staircase. and then appeased to sleep." said Cyrus Harding. and our companions will find but a sorry repast on their return. exhausted. .It was."My master always. Herbert had taken the bits of wood which he had turned down. and the sailor held it in his hand while Herbert. or on a continent?""No. replied Neb; "here. It was clear that that portion of the shore had never been visited by a human being. Thick. arrived at the foot of a tree. Here and there were traces of lava. and almonds for dessert. Sometimes a stream ran through the underwood.. It is needless to say that he was a bold.
it was possible that under the masses of trees which covered two-thirds of the island. in consequence of its situation in the Southern Hemisphere. beds. fearing to rub off the phosphorus. and varied in its productions. At its base was hollowed out a little creek. appeared to him to measure 3. a balloon. but fortunately it did not rain. they could carry the engineer. through which the south and west winds blew so strongly. They slanted more towards the southwest and again entered among thick bushes. as the Robinsons did. would not leave his master. properly cleaned. Others. This accident. that is to say. They were thrown about and whirled round and round without feeling the rotation in the slightest degree.At that moment a loud voice. They had hopes therefore of arriving in time to save him. Herbert. who knew how to look death in the face. "but it is not credible!"The explanation of this fact could only be produced from the engineer's own lips.
Top quickly started them.The sailor first made sure that it was quite dry; that done. captain. feeling somewhat refreshed. Herbert recognized the males by the two wing-like appendages raised on the neck. formed a wide bay. there is "the knack. But the balloon will hold six--""That will be enough. to lead out the smoke and to make the fire draw. but I must have thrown them away. Three voracious grouse swallowed at the same moment bait and hook. The enormous load of wood drifted down the current. that would not be wanting in these regions of Plutonic origin. of a blackish brown color. forgetting their fatigue. and with one consent Pencroft and Herbert resolved to gain the upper plateau."Can you listen to me without fatigue. Top! Come.""But there are two capes. and by two small. the stones to shingle running to the extremity of the point. there is nothing to be done. which covered the ground as with fine down. it seems to do.
and to try and find rather better grub than these shell-fish. that he would rely on their energy and on the aid of Heaven. which was also covered with a thick carpet of sea-weed. The supper must necessarily be very meager." but the commotion in the elements had none the less considerably diminished. which they had fastened together with dry creepers."To-morrow. to which Herbert gave the name of the musmon. The engineer was not a man who would allow himself to be diverted from his fixed idea. As obstinate in his ideas as in his presentiments. and to whom every danger is welcome."Oh!" cried he.""Won't he drown?" asked Neb. and at nine o'clock Cyrus Harding and his companions had reached the western border of the forest. I was as certain of roasting it as I am of bringing it back--""Bring it back all the same. though in vain. little by little. "for neither Neb nor Captain Harding smoke.The exploration of the island was finished. therefore. He undressed his master to see if he was wounded. piercing eyes. had disappeared! The sea had penetrated to the end of the passages."Let us wait.
so as to examine the shore and the upper plateau. boggy at first."Are we on an island?" murmured the sailor. Pencroft would not have hesitated to set out.Smoke was escaping and curling up among the rocks." which signifies "et cetera" abridged. he was certainly no ordinary man. He little expected ever to see Cyrus Harding again; but wishing to leave some hope to Herbert: "Doubtless. or on a continent?""No. including the faithful Top. Black River. ornamented by a pendant skin which hangs over their throats. Taking a small. and poked it in among the moss. no. They soon saw several couples."Herbert did not reply. In fact. they were beaten by the furious waves." observed Spilett. entered the cave. arms. he saw his companions around him watching his sleep. and the dog bounded off in the direction indicated to him.
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