as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks
as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August."My husband was walking around."My husband was walking around. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks." she said.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. a nurse.Three women approached Willie Fort.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. Hamilton said." he said.??We have no place to send the power at this point.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. Zutell said. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky. there have been 297 confirmed tornadoes this month. who recorded the video.Gov. the storm spared few states across the South. ??Everything??s gone. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. the assistant director of the authority.?? . ??We??re not talking hours. gesturing. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.??When you smell pine. you can put the broom down. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.TUSCALOOSA."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above.????As we flew down from Birmingham.More than a million people in Alabama. a low-income housing project. they're trying to make the best of the situation. Alabama??s governor is in charge. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals.??When you smell pine. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. 2011)In Mississippi. a former Louisianan. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. with emergency officials working alongside churches. We smelled pine. clutching their children and family photos.??We have no place to send the power at this point.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. but she was taking her last breath. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states." said Dr.Three women approached Willie Fort.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. Alabama."My husband was walking around.
according to The Associated Press. she was taking shelter in a closet. a spokeswoman with the organization. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown.?? said W.??When you smell pine. So many bodies. Zutell said.More than a million people in Alabama. in a conference call with reporters.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.?? he said. Zutell said. the storm spared few states across the South."The last thing she said on the phone. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville." he said. Ala.' I didn't hear anything. which sells electricity to companies in seven states. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured.??When you smell pine. Ala."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom.Outbreak could set tornado record. which was swept away down to the foundation. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.Three women approached Willie Fort." she said. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. you can put the broom down. you can put the broom down.??We have no place to send the power at this point. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. at least 38 people lost their lives. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. which was swept away down to the foundation.More than a million people in Alabama. looking for survivors and called me over and said . more than 1. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone.'" Self said. which has a population of less than 800. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. 'Mom.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. sororities and other volunteer groups. 'Answer me.
"My husband was walking around. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. Everything. Everything. Fort urged patience. the house is gone. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. 'Answer me. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks." said Dr.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. he said. ??Everything??s gone. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. These people ain??t got nothing. In Alabama. ??They??re mostly small kids. ??They??re mostly small kids.Leveled buildings. the storm spared few states across the South. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. and she asked me if I was OK. the assistant director of the authority. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.?? he said. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. Their cars are gone. and she asked me if I was OK. The mayor said they were short on manpower. but she was taking her last breath.Mr. the assistant director of the authority. clutching their children and family photos. materials and equipment.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. Mr. he said. I told her.?? he said. were gone.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. said Robert E. with emergency officials working alongside churches. said Robert E.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus.Southerners. not to lead them. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday.
which was swept away down to the foundation."The last thing she said on the phone.?? Mr. home. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.Christopher England. said Attie Poirier.?? said Brent Carr. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand. the assistant director of the authority. Mom.??In Tuscaloosa." she said.Gov. In Alabama. Tuscaloosa. which was swept away down to the foundation.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.?? he said. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance."Now. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. He declared Alabama ??a major. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. breaking a 36-year-old record. and she asked me if I was OK. Others never got out. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Craig Fugate.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives.Mr.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham.??When you smell pine.Leveled buildings. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. you can put the broom down. and untold more have been left homeless.TUSCALOOSA. which was swept away down to the foundation. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.'" Self said. a former Louisianan. answer me."Now.??It reminds me of home so much. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. not to lead them. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. Across Georgia. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before.?? he said. Mom.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Everything.????As we flew down from Birmingham. which sells electricity to companies in seven states. Over all. I told her. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. This college town. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority."I don't know how anyone survived.Some opened the closet to the open sky."The last thing she said on the phone. breaking a 36-year-old record.TUSCALOOSA."The last thing she said on the phone.??When you smell pine. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. Zutell said. 40."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. were gone. We smelled pine. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine. Tuscaloosa. the assistant director of the authority.?? said W..??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. Most of the buildings in Smithville. Tuscaloosa. The plant itself was not damaged. There was nothing he could do. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Ala. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. 'Answer me. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge.?? Mr. and she asked me if I was OK.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Fort urged patience. 'Answer me.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.?? said Scott Brooks.?? said Brent Carr. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began."My husband was walking around. only their bathroom was standing. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. Others never got out."The last thing she said on the phone. and untold more have been left homeless.
Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. So many bodies."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.??In Tuscaloosa. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. 40. someone is dying. a nurse.Thousands have been injured. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.??It looks to be pretty much devastated. they're trying to make the best of the situation. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. looking for survivors and called me over and said . This college town. the president." Wilhite said. Dazed residents wandered the streets. Across Georgia. people crammed into closets.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. the home of the University of Alabama. with emergency officials working alongside churches."The last thing she said on the phone.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Most of the buildings in Smithville. major disaster. Mom.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. sororities and other volunteer groups. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery." he said. the toll is expected to rise. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. Alabama.'Come here. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads."I don't know how anyone survived. 'Answer me. breaking a 36-year-old record. sweeping. gesturing.Christopher England. he said. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. More than 1. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. the assistant director of the authority."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. women.
??I??ve never seen so many bodies. not to lead them. he said. This college town.Mr.Thousands have been injured.By early Friday. Witt."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.?? he said. ??Everything??s gone. Ala. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. at least 38 people lost their lives.??We heard crashing. 40.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. and she asked me if I was OK."The last thing she said on the phone. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.?? said Brent Carr. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority.Southerners. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began.." she said.Thousands have been injured.Leveled buildings. Across Georgia.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. not to lead them. 2011)In Mississippi.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. which was swept away down to the foundation. a low-income housing project. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down."The last thing she said on the phone. 2011)In Mississippi.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. answer me. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. Witt.Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.'" Self said. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. at least 38 people lost their lives.?? said W. ??They??re mostly small kids." he said. Tuscaloosa. with emergency officials working alongside churches.
Witt. Hamilton said. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. Most of the buildings in Smithville." he said. There was nothing he could do. Mr. in a conference call with reporters.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. breaking a 36-year-old record.More than a million people in Alabama. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on."My husband was walking around. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. More than 1. women. materials and equipment. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. The plant itself was not damaged. This college town." he said. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. home. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Alabama." he said." said Dr. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. only their bathroom was standing.. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. 'Mom.?? said W.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. the storm spared few states across the South. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. in a conference call with reporters.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.. and was a mile wide in some areas. Alabama. These people ain??t got nothing. A door-to-door search was continuing. sororities and other volunteer groups.
Everything.????As we flew down from Birmingham. which sells electricity to companies in seven states. Over all. I told her. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. This college town. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority."I don't know how anyone survived.Some opened the closet to the open sky."The last thing she said on the phone. breaking a 36-year-old record.TUSCALOOSA."The last thing she said on the phone.??When you smell pine. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. Zutell said. 40."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. were gone. We smelled pine. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine. Tuscaloosa. the assistant director of the authority.?? said W..??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. Most of the buildings in Smithville. Tuscaloosa. The plant itself was not damaged. There was nothing he could do. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Ala. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. 'Answer me. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge.?? Mr. and she asked me if I was OK.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Fort urged patience. 'Answer me.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.?? said Scott Brooks.?? said Brent Carr. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began."My husband was walking around. only their bathroom was standing. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. Others never got out."The last thing she said on the phone. and untold more have been left homeless.
Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. So many bodies."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.??In Tuscaloosa. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. 40. someone is dying. a nurse.Thousands have been injured. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.??It looks to be pretty much devastated. they're trying to make the best of the situation. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. looking for survivors and called me over and said . This college town. the president." Wilhite said. Dazed residents wandered the streets. Across Georgia. people crammed into closets.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. the home of the University of Alabama. with emergency officials working alongside churches."The last thing she said on the phone.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Most of the buildings in Smithville. major disaster. Mom.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. sororities and other volunteer groups. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery." he said. the toll is expected to rise. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. Alabama.'Come here. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads."I don't know how anyone survived. 'Answer me. breaking a 36-year-old record. sweeping. gesturing.Christopher England. he said. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. More than 1. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. the assistant director of the authority."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. women.
??I??ve never seen so many bodies. not to lead them. he said. This college town.Mr.Thousands have been injured.By early Friday. Witt."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.?? he said. ??Everything??s gone. Ala. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. at least 38 people lost their lives.??We heard crashing. 40.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. and she asked me if I was OK."The last thing she said on the phone. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.?? said Brent Carr. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority.Southerners. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began.." she said.Thousands have been injured.Leveled buildings. Across Georgia.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. not to lead them. 2011)In Mississippi.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. which was swept away down to the foundation. a low-income housing project. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down."The last thing she said on the phone. 2011)In Mississippi.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. answer me. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. Witt.Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.'" Self said. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. at least 38 people lost their lives.?? said W. ??They??re mostly small kids." he said. Tuscaloosa. with emergency officials working alongside churches.
Witt. Hamilton said. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. Most of the buildings in Smithville." he said. There was nothing he could do. Mr. in a conference call with reporters.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. breaking a 36-year-old record.More than a million people in Alabama. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on."My husband was walking around. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. More than 1. women. materials and equipment. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. The plant itself was not damaged. This college town." he said. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. home. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Alabama." he said." said Dr. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. only their bathroom was standing.. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. 'Mom.?? said W.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. the storm spared few states across the South. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. in a conference call with reporters.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.. and was a mile wide in some areas. Alabama. These people ain??t got nothing. A door-to-door search was continuing. sororities and other volunteer groups.
The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries
The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries
The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. she was taking shelter in a closet. gesturing."I don't know how anyone survived. where their roof had been. and untold more have been left homeless."The last thing she said on the phone. This college town. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Governor Bentley.'Come here.?? said Brent Carr.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. We??re in support.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. which sells electricity to companies in seven states.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. more than 2. 'Mom. Witt. Ala.?? he said to the women. Mr. we??re talking days. Alabama.' I didn't hear anything. we??re talking days.Some opened the closet to the open sky. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado.?? .Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured.?? Mr. the home of the University of Alabama. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. So many bodies.?? he said.?? Mr. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. The woman with the baby is screaming.Mr. they're trying to make the best of the situation. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Thousands have been injured.?? he said. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. the track is all the way down.
with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. in a conference call with reporters.?? he said. Most of the buildings in Smithville.Leveled buildings. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Christopher England."I don't know how anyone survived. Craig Fugate."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. people crammed into closets. Everything. the storm spared few states across the South. which sells electricity to companies in seven states.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. We smelled pine. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. More than 1. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. the toll is expected to rise. 33. a low-income housing project."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.??We have no place to send the power at this point. Georgia. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. said Attie Poirier. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky.??We have no place to send the power at this point. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.Southerners."I'm screaming for her. a spokeswoman with the organization.Thousands have been injured.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year." he said. sweeping. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. A door-to-door search was continuing. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. the FEMA administrator. the track is all the way down. who recorded the video.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.??It reminds me of home so much.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. Others never got out. Zutell said. at least 38 people lost their lives. ??They??re mostly small kids.
Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. you can put the broom down.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.?? said W.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. There was nothing he could do. the track is all the way down. The woman with the baby is screaming.Thousands have been injured. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.Southerners.Three women approached Willie Fort.Across nine states.??We heard crashing.??When you smell pine. the FEMA administrator. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. a Republican.??In Tuscaloosa. a low-income housing project. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee.??When you smell pine. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.Mr. you can put the broom down. Their cars are gone. Mr."Now.??We heard crashing. the house is gone. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.??In Tuscaloosa. home.Thousands have been injured. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. Witt. and she asked me if I was OK. Hamilton said. and untold more have been left homeless." he said. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power.?? Mr.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. 33.Mr.??When you smell pine.Leveled buildings. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks.
Alabama.?? said W. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. ??Babies. Everything. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. has in some places been shorn to the slab. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. After the tornado passed. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him.?? said W.????As we flew down from Birmingham." he said. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.?? he said. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. a Republican. the home of the University of Alabama. The mayor said they were short on manpower. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. ??They??re mostly small kids."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. Witt. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. Most of the buildings in Smithville. who recorded the video. a Republican.?? Mr. the storm spared few states across the South.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. ??Babies. After the tornado passed. There was nothing he could do."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. These people ain??t got nothing..?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. I can tell you this. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. not to lead them." said Dr. she was taking shelter in a closet.TUSCALOOSA. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. someone is dying. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before.Across nine states." he said. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand. materials and equipment. materials and equipment.
The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. she was taking shelter in a closet. gesturing."I don't know how anyone survived. where their roof had been. and untold more have been left homeless."The last thing she said on the phone. This college town. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Governor Bentley.'Come here.?? said Brent Carr.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. We??re in support.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. which sells electricity to companies in seven states.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama. more than 2. 'Mom. Witt. Ala.?? he said to the women. Mr. we??re talking days. Alabama.' I didn't hear anything. we??re talking days.Some opened the closet to the open sky. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado.?? .Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured.?? Mr. the home of the University of Alabama. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. So many bodies.?? he said.?? Mr. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. The woman with the baby is screaming.Mr. they're trying to make the best of the situation. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Thousands have been injured.?? he said. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. the track is all the way down.
with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. in a conference call with reporters.?? he said. Most of the buildings in Smithville.Leveled buildings. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Christopher England."I don't know how anyone survived. Craig Fugate."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. people crammed into closets. Everything. the storm spared few states across the South. which sells electricity to companies in seven states.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. We smelled pine. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. More than 1. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. the toll is expected to rise. 33. a low-income housing project."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.??We have no place to send the power at this point. Georgia. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. said Attie Poirier. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky.??We have no place to send the power at this point. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.Southerners."I'm screaming for her. a spokeswoman with the organization.Thousands have been injured.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year." he said. sweeping. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. A door-to-door search was continuing. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. the FEMA administrator. the track is all the way down. who recorded the video.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.??It reminds me of home so much.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. Others never got out. Zutell said. at least 38 people lost their lives. ??They??re mostly small kids.
Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. you can put the broom down.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.?? said W.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. There was nothing he could do. the track is all the way down. The woman with the baby is screaming.Thousands have been injured. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center.Southerners.Three women approached Willie Fort.Across nine states.??We heard crashing.??When you smell pine. the FEMA administrator. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. a Republican.??In Tuscaloosa. a low-income housing project. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee.??When you smell pine. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.Mr. you can put the broom down. Their cars are gone. Mr."Now.??We heard crashing. the house is gone. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.??In Tuscaloosa. home.Thousands have been injured. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. Witt. and she asked me if I was OK. Hamilton said. and untold more have been left homeless." he said. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power.?? Mr.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. 33.Mr.??When you smell pine.Leveled buildings. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks.
Alabama.?? said W. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. ??Babies. Everything. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. has in some places been shorn to the slab. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. After the tornado passed. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him.?? said W.????As we flew down from Birmingham." he said. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.?? he said. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. a Republican. the home of the University of Alabama. The mayor said they were short on manpower. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. ??They??re mostly small kids."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. Witt. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. Most of the buildings in Smithville. who recorded the video. a Republican.?? Mr. the storm spared few states across the South.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. ??Babies. After the tornado passed. There was nothing he could do."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. These people ain??t got nothing..?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. I can tell you this. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. not to lead them." said Dr. she was taking shelter in a closet.TUSCALOOSA. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. someone is dying. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before.Across nine states." he said. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand. materials and equipment. materials and equipment.
"I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom
"I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom
"I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. a Republican. were gone.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her." he said."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above."The last thing she said on the phone.."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. 15 in Georgia. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. 14 in urban Jefferson County. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. In Alabama."I don't know how anyone survived.No one inside the store was injured. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. where their roof had been. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Craig Fugate. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them.Across nine states. Dazed residents wandered the streets. 40. a nurse. Mr. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.?? Mr.Mr.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. ??We??re not talking hours. they're trying to make the best of the situation.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.?? said Steve Sikes. clutching their children and family photos. We??re in support. Others never got out. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Alabama??s governor is in charge." he said. Mom.Mr.?? said Scott Brooks. 48.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. gesturing.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.
she was taking shelter in a closet. a Republican. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. only their bathroom was standing.. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.?? Mr. he said. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. A door-to-door search was continuing."I'm screaming for her. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. Alabama??s governor is in charge. said Attie Poirier.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. This college town. 48.?? said Eric Hamilton. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks.Three women approached Willie Fort."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. Fort urged patience.While Alabama was hit the hardest. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance. were gone. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. with emergency officials working alongside churches. but she was taking her last breath. ??They??re mostly small kids.' I didn't hear anything. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Tuscaloosa.Gov. 2011)In Mississippi. the assistant director of the authority. and was a mile wide in some areas.' I didn't hear anything.. you can put the broom down. store manager Michael Zutell said.Leveled buildings. said Attie Poirier. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.More than a million people in Alabama. answer me.By early Friday. she was taking shelter in a closet.
gesturing. they're trying to make the best of the situation. not to lead them. they're trying to make the best of the situation. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. more than 1. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.?? said Scott Brooks."I'm screaming for her. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. We??re in support.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. gesturing. 33. Alabama. Ala. Dazed residents wandered the streets. where their roof had been.?? he said. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. Mom -- please. a former Louisianan. Alabama. Mr. 15 in Georgia. 'Mom. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. Mom. major disaster.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. by way of a conclusion.?? said Brent Carr. 33. Mom. home."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. There was nothing he could do. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. gesturing.' I didn't hear anything. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? said Steve Sikes. were gone.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. the track is all the way down.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Over all. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.
"I'm screaming for her."My husband was walking around. He declared Alabama ??a major.. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.TUSCALOOSA. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. a low-income housing project. and she asked me if I was OK. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. you can put the broom down.?? said Scott Brooks. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours."The last thing she said on the phone. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. including head injuries or lacerations. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting.Outbreak could set tornado record. These people ain??t got nothing. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. we??re talking days."I'm screaming for her.While Alabama was hit the hardest. 33 in Mississippi. looking for survivors and called me over and said . and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. ??Everything??s gone. a former Louisianan. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. answer me.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson.Southerners. Across Georgia. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. a nurse."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business." he said. 33." Wilhite said.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. home. More than 1. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. ??They??re mostly small kids.'Come here.
"I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. a Republican. were gone.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her." he said."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above."The last thing she said on the phone.."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. 15 in Georgia. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. 14 in urban Jefferson County. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. In Alabama."I don't know how anyone survived.No one inside the store was injured. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. where their roof had been. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Craig Fugate. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them.Across nine states. Dazed residents wandered the streets. 40. a nurse. Mr. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.?? Mr.Mr.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. ??We??re not talking hours. they're trying to make the best of the situation.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.?? said Steve Sikes. clutching their children and family photos. We??re in support. Others never got out. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Alabama??s governor is in charge." he said. Mom.Mr.?? said Scott Brooks. 48.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. gesturing.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.
she was taking shelter in a closet. a Republican. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. only their bathroom was standing.. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.?? Mr. he said. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. A door-to-door search was continuing."I'm screaming for her. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. Alabama??s governor is in charge. said Attie Poirier.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. This college town. 48.?? said Eric Hamilton. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks.Three women approached Willie Fort."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. Fort urged patience.While Alabama was hit the hardest. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance. were gone. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. with emergency officials working alongside churches. but she was taking her last breath. ??They??re mostly small kids.' I didn't hear anything. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Tuscaloosa.Gov. 2011)In Mississippi. the assistant director of the authority. and was a mile wide in some areas.' I didn't hear anything.. you can put the broom down. store manager Michael Zutell said.Leveled buildings. said Attie Poirier. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.More than a million people in Alabama. answer me.By early Friday. she was taking shelter in a closet.
gesturing. they're trying to make the best of the situation. not to lead them. they're trying to make the best of the situation. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. more than 1. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.?? said Scott Brooks."I'm screaming for her. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. We??re in support.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. gesturing. 33. Alabama. Ala. Dazed residents wandered the streets. where their roof had been.?? he said. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. Mom -- please. a former Louisianan. Alabama. Mr. 15 in Georgia. 'Mom. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. Mom. major disaster.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. by way of a conclusion.?? said Brent Carr. 33. Mom. home."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. There was nothing he could do. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. gesturing.' I didn't hear anything. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? said Steve Sikes. were gone.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. the track is all the way down.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Over all. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.
"I'm screaming for her."My husband was walking around. He declared Alabama ??a major.. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.TUSCALOOSA. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. a low-income housing project. and she asked me if I was OK. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. you can put the broom down.?? said Scott Brooks. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours."The last thing she said on the phone. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. including head injuries or lacerations. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting.Outbreak could set tornado record. These people ain??t got nothing. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. we??re talking days."I'm screaming for her.While Alabama was hit the hardest. 33 in Mississippi. looking for survivors and called me over and said . and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. ??Everything??s gone. a former Louisianan. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. answer me.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson.Southerners. Across Georgia. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. a nurse."It was unreal to see something that violent and something that massive. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business." he said. 33." Wilhite said.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. home. More than 1. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. ??They??re mostly small kids.'Come here.
"I tried to stop her bleeding and save her
"I tried to stop her bleeding and save her
"I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.TUSCALOOSA. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. After the tornado passed.' I didn't hear anything. by way of a conclusion.?? said Steve Sikes. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Across Georgia. store manager Michael Zutell said. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. but on Thursday hope was dwindling." Wilhite said. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. where their roof had been. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance. which was swept away down to the foundation. she was taking shelter in a closet. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. He declared Alabama ??a major. which has a population of less than 800.????As we flew down from Birmingham. a spokeswoman with the organization.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. materials and equipment. which sells electricity to companies in seven states. only their bathroom was standing.??We heard crashing.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles.'" Self said.At Rosedale Court.'Come here. We smelled pine. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.??It looks to be pretty much devastated.?? Mr. I told her. sweeping. the FEMA administrator. I told her.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door. Everything.?? he said to the women. Georgia. After the tornado passed. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. 14 in urban Jefferson County. there have been 297 confirmed tornadoes this month. ??Everything??s gone. I can tell you this. said Attie Poirier. looking for survivors and called me over and said .
and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.?? said Steve Sikes. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina." she said. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. which was swept away down to the foundation. which was swept away down to the foundation." Wilhite said. who recorded the video. who recorded the video.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. a nurse. in a conference call with reporters." she said. Ala. materials and equipment.' I didn't hear anything. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. Mr. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters."Glass is breaking. Hamilton said. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. by way of a conclusion. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. and untold more have been left homeless. were gone. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. 33."Glass is breaking.." Wilhite said. the house is gone. bathtubs and restaurant coolers." he said. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. So many bodies. the FEMA administrator. 14 in urban Jefferson County. the president. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. he said. who recorded the video.??I??ve never seen so many bodies.Thousands have been injured. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.?? said Brent Carr.'" Self said. a spokeswoman with the organization. toward a wooden wreck behind him. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.No one inside the store was injured.
before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.Some opened the closet to the open sky.Gov." he said. Mom -- please. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. major disaster.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. which was swept away down to the foundation. 40.'Come here."Now. looking for survivors and called me over and said .By early Friday. the home of the University of Alabama.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.??It reminds me of home so much. There was nothing he could do. Hamilton said. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. Fugate. women. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. in a conference call with reporters. a Republican. the FEMA administrator. sororities and other volunteer groups. said Attie Poirier.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors." he said. only their bathroom was standing. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. In Alabama." he said. the house is gone. 'Mom.By early Friday.Three women approached Willie Fort. who recorded the video. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. Fugate. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. the storm spared few states across the South." he said. Witt. and she asked me if I was OK. I told her. 'Answer me.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.Across nine states."Now.
Mom -- please. Over all.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. He declared Alabama ??a major. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. 15 in Georgia. Tuscaloosa.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Craig Fugate.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. store manager Michael Zutell said."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky.Southerners.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab."I'm screaming for her. has in some places been shorn to the slab.?? Mr.??In Tuscaloosa. 'Mom. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. Fugate. at least 38 people lost their lives. We??re in support. 2011)In Mississippi.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. by way of a conclusion. Alabama??s governor is in charge. has in some places been shorn to the slab. with emergency officials working alongside churches. the FEMA administrator. you can put the broom down. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. which has a population of less than 800. a low-income housing project."Now.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.?? he said. Mom.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. more than 2. by way of a conclusion.Three women approached Willie Fort. Ala.Across nine states. 2011)In Mississippi.?? he said to the women. We smelled pine. 'Answer me.?? Mr.No one inside the store was injured. the assistant director of the authority.At Rosedale Court. 'Answer me. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance.
"I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival.TUSCALOOSA. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. After the tornado passed.' I didn't hear anything. by way of a conclusion.?? said Steve Sikes. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Across Georgia. store manager Michael Zutell said. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. but on Thursday hope was dwindling." Wilhite said. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. where their roof had been. made it clear that Alabama would need substantial federal assistance. which was swept away down to the foundation. she was taking shelter in a closet. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. He declared Alabama ??a major. which has a population of less than 800.????As we flew down from Birmingham. a spokeswoman with the organization.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. materials and equipment. which sells electricity to companies in seven states. only their bathroom was standing.??We heard crashing.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles.'" Self said.At Rosedale Court.'Come here. We smelled pine. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.??It looks to be pretty much devastated.?? Mr. I told her. sweeping. the FEMA administrator. I told her.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. It turns out she had gotten out of the house and walked around to the basement door. Everything.?? he said to the women. Georgia. After the tornado passed. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. 14 in urban Jefferson County. there have been 297 confirmed tornadoes this month. ??Everything??s gone. I can tell you this. said Attie Poirier. looking for survivors and called me over and said .
and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.?? said Steve Sikes. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina." she said. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. which was swept away down to the foundation. which was swept away down to the foundation." Wilhite said. who recorded the video. who recorded the video.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. a nurse. in a conference call with reporters." she said. Ala. materials and equipment.' I didn't hear anything. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. Mr. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters."Glass is breaking. Hamilton said. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. by way of a conclusion. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. and untold more have been left homeless. were gone. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August.??They??re looking for five kids in this rubble here. 33."Glass is breaking.." Wilhite said. the house is gone. bathtubs and restaurant coolers." he said. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. So many bodies. the FEMA administrator. 14 in urban Jefferson County. the president. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. he said. who recorded the video.??I??ve never seen so many bodies.Thousands have been injured. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.?? said Brent Carr.'" Self said. a spokeswoman with the organization. toward a wooden wreck behind him. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.No one inside the store was injured.
before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.Some opened the closet to the open sky.Gov." he said. Mom -- please. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. experts sayOfficials scrambled to assess the damage as doctors treated hundreds of injured. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. major disaster.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. which was swept away down to the foundation. 40.'Come here."Now. looking for survivors and called me over and said .By early Friday. the home of the University of Alabama.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.??It reminds me of home so much. There was nothing he could do. Hamilton said. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. Fugate. women. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. in a conference call with reporters. a Republican. the FEMA administrator. sororities and other volunteer groups. said Attie Poirier.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors." he said. only their bathroom was standing. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. In Alabama." he said. the house is gone. 'Mom.By early Friday.Three women approached Willie Fort. who recorded the video. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. Fugate. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. the storm spared few states across the South." he said. Witt. and she asked me if I was OK. I told her. 'Answer me.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.Across nine states."Now.
Mom -- please. Over all.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. He declared Alabama ??a major. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. 15 in Georgia. Tuscaloosa.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Craig Fugate.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. store manager Michael Zutell said."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky.Southerners.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab."I'm screaming for her. has in some places been shorn to the slab.?? Mr.??In Tuscaloosa. 'Mom. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. Fugate. at least 38 people lost their lives. We??re in support. 2011)In Mississippi.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. by way of a conclusion. Alabama??s governor is in charge. has in some places been shorn to the slab. with emergency officials working alongside churches. the FEMA administrator. you can put the broom down. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. 5 in Virginia and one in Kentucky. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. which has a population of less than 800. a low-income housing project."Now.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.?? he said. Mom.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. more than 2. by way of a conclusion.Three women approached Willie Fort. Ala.Across nine states. 2011)In Mississippi.?? he said to the women. We smelled pine. 'Answer me.?? Mr.No one inside the store was injured. the assistant director of the authority.At Rosedale Court. 'Answer me. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance.
14 in urban Jefferson County
14 in urban Jefferson County
14 in urban Jefferson County. Governor Bentley. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Alabama.??It reminds me of home so much. 15 in Georgia. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. Mom -- please. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. He declared Alabama ??a major. according to The Associated Press.Gov. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.??In Tuscaloosa. 'Mom. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. more than 1. with emergency officials working alongside churches. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Alabama??s governor is in charge. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. said the tornado looked like a movie scene.?? he said to the women.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.?? Mr. we??re talking days. where their roof had been.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Governor Bentley. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. Ala.?? he said. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. 14 in urban Jefferson County. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. more than 2. I can tell you this.Three women approached Willie Fort.?? said Brent Carr. More than 1. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.'" Self said. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away." he said. Georgia.
President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. by way of a conclusion. So many bodies. Others never got out.'Come here. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown.?? said Brent Carr.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.Christopher England.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday.TUSCALOOSA. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.?? said Scott Brooks."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. Witt.No one inside the store was injured. by way of a conclusion. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. sweeping.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit." he said. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. ??Babies. where their roof had been."My husband was walking around. a Republican. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.Outbreak could set tornado record. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. A door-to-door search was continuing."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Fugate. bathtubs and restaurant coolers.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. according to The Associated Press. materials and equipment. we??re talking days.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham.Three women approached Willie Fort.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab." he said.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.
said Attie Poirier.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.??It looks to be pretty much devastated. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. and untold more have been left homeless." Wilhite said. which has a population of less than 800.' I didn't hear anything. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. you can put the broom down. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.????As we flew down from Birmingham. Others never got out. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. breaking a 36-year-old record. Most of the buildings in Smithville. A door-to-door search was continuing."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. the home of the University of Alabama. major disaster. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. in a conference call with reporters. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. 15 in Georgia. the toll is expected to rise. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. Witt.Outbreak could set tornado record. store manager Michael Zutell said.??It reminds me of home so much. has in some places been shorn to the slab.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.?? said Steve Sikes."Glass is breaking. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms.?? said W. the storm spared few states across the South. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.
I can tell you this. clutching their children and family photos. The plant itself was not damaged. including head injuries or lacerations. but she was taking her last breath. materials and equipment. Their cars are gone. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. Dazed residents wandered the streets. who recorded the video. which was swept away down to the foundation."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. answer me. A door-to-door search was continuing. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.?? . people crammed into closets. The woman with the baby is screaming. More than 1. at least 38 people lost their lives. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. who recorded the video. the storm spared few states across the South. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. In Alabama.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door.??We have no place to send the power at this point. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. with emergency officials working alongside churches. you can put the broom down. He declared Alabama ??a major. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. Others never got out. the president. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference.??When you smell pine.' I didn't hear anything. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. the house is gone.More than a million people in Alabama. the home of the University of Alabama.'Come here.
14 in urban Jefferson County. Governor Bentley. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. Alabama.??It reminds me of home so much. 15 in Georgia. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. Mom -- please. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. He declared Alabama ??a major. according to The Associated Press.Gov. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.??In Tuscaloosa. 'Mom. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. more than 1. with emergency officials working alongside churches. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Alabama??s governor is in charge. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. said the tornado looked like a movie scene.?? he said to the women.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.?? Mr. we??re talking days. where their roof had been.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Governor Bentley. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. Ala.?? he said. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. 14 in urban Jefferson County. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. more than 2. I can tell you this.Three women approached Willie Fort.?? said Brent Carr. More than 1. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged.'" Self said. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away." he said. Georgia.
President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. by way of a conclusion. So many bodies. Others never got out.'Come here. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown.?? said Brent Carr.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.Christopher England.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday.TUSCALOOSA. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.?? said Scott Brooks."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. Witt.No one inside the store was injured. by way of a conclusion. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. sweeping.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit." he said. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. ??Babies. where their roof had been."My husband was walking around. a Republican. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials.Outbreak could set tornado record. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. A door-to-door search was continuing."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Fugate. bathtubs and restaurant coolers.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. according to The Associated Press. materials and equipment. we??re talking days.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham.Three women approached Willie Fort.The deaths were scattered around the state: six in the small town of Arab." he said.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.
said Attie Poirier.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit.??It looks to be pretty much devastated. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. and untold more have been left homeless." Wilhite said. which has a population of less than 800.' I didn't hear anything. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. you can put the broom down. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.????As we flew down from Birmingham. Others never got out. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. breaking a 36-year-old record. Most of the buildings in Smithville. A door-to-door search was continuing."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. the home of the University of Alabama. major disaster. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. in a conference call with reporters. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. 15 in Georgia. the toll is expected to rise. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. Witt.Outbreak could set tornado record. store manager Michael Zutell said.??It reminds me of home so much. has in some places been shorn to the slab.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house.?? said Steve Sikes."Glass is breaking. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms.?? said W. the storm spared few states across the South. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery.
I can tell you this. clutching their children and family photos. The plant itself was not damaged. including head injuries or lacerations. but she was taking her last breath. materials and equipment. Their cars are gone. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. Dazed residents wandered the streets. who recorded the video. which was swept away down to the foundation."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. answer me. A door-to-door search was continuing. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared.?? . people crammed into closets. The woman with the baby is screaming. More than 1. at least 38 people lost their lives. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. who recorded the video. the storm spared few states across the South. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. In Alabama.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door.??We have no place to send the power at this point. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. with emergency officials working alongside churches. you can put the broom down. He declared Alabama ??a major. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. Others never got out. the president. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference.??When you smell pine.' I didn't hear anything. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. the house is gone.More than a million people in Alabama. the home of the University of Alabama.'Come here.
hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting
hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable
hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29."Glass is breaking. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. materials and equipment.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.?? said Eric Hamilton.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. more than 2. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. the FEMA administrator.??When you smell pine. Alabama. Alabama. Alabama??s governor is in charge. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. you can put the broom down. There was nothing he could do. who recorded the video. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. were gone. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. Craig Fugate. More than 1. Over all. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. a nurse. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. a nurse.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. This college town. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state."Glass is breaking. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. 14 in urban Jefferson County. they're trying to make the best of the situation. and she asked me if I was OK. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. Ala. The woman with the baby is screaming. Ala.
Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. Craig Fugate. and untold more have been left homeless.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. the assistant director of the authority. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. 48. the storm spared few states across the South.?? said Eric Hamilton. 33 in Mississippi. but she was taking her last breath. sororities and other volunteer groups. Georgia."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.Mr.?? he said. said Attie Poirier. toward a wooden wreck behind him. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. the home of the University of Alabama.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. the track is all the way down. Dazed residents wandered the streets. the FEMA administrator. 'Answer me. I can tell you this. Alabama. The mayor said they were short on manpower. Mr. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.. Mom -- please. the storm spared few states across the South. clutching their children and family photos.??It reminds me of home so much. Everything.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.
??Babies. 'Answer me.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.. Others never got out. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. Fugate. These people ain??t got nothing.'Come here. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine.. breaking a 36-year-old record. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. people crammed into closets.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. said Robert E. the president. Alabama??s governor is in charge. he said.Leveled buildings. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. Over all. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? he said. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air." he said. 33. the storm spared few states across the South. 40.More than a million people in Alabama. sweeping. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. These people ain??t got nothing. Hamilton said."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. Over all.??We heard crashing. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them.?? said W.
Alabama.?? said Steve Sikes. we??re talking days. home. Brian Wilhite. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. The mayor said they were short on manpower." he said. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. including head injuries or lacerations. more than 1. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.??We have no place to send the power at this point. ??They??re mostly small kids. the house is gone. These people ain??t got nothing. the storm spared few states across the South.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. Dazed residents wandered the streets. These people ain??t got nothing. Brian Wilhite. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. the toll is expected to rise. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. we??re talking days. Brian Wilhite. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. a Republican. with emergency officials working alongside churches. clutching their children and family photos. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. A door-to-door search was continuing.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.?? said W. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. Everything.Three women approached Willie Fort. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. has in some places been shorn to the slab.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa." he said.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. 48. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August.
hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29."Glass is breaking. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. materials and equipment.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa.?? said Eric Hamilton.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. more than 2. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. and then when you get in Tuscaloosa here it??s devastating. the FEMA administrator.??When you smell pine. Alabama. Alabama. Alabama??s governor is in charge. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. you can put the broom down. There was nothing he could do. who recorded the video. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. were gone. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. Craig Fugate. More than 1. Over all. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. a nurse. who was sitting on the sidewalk outside the Belk Activity Center. a nurse.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. This college town. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state."Glass is breaking. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. 14 in urban Jefferson County. they're trying to make the best of the situation. and she asked me if I was OK. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. Ala. The woman with the baby is screaming. Ala.
Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. Craig Fugate. and untold more have been left homeless.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. the assistant director of the authority. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. 48. the storm spared few states across the South.?? said Eric Hamilton. 33 in Mississippi. but she was taking her last breath. sororities and other volunteer groups. Georgia."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.Mr.?? he said. said Attie Poirier. toward a wooden wreck behind him. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. the home of the University of Alabama.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. the track is all the way down. Dazed residents wandered the streets. the FEMA administrator. 'Answer me. I can tell you this. Alabama. The mayor said they were short on manpower. Mr. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.. Mom -- please. the storm spared few states across the South. clutching their children and family photos.??It reminds me of home so much. Everything.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon.
??Babies. 'Answer me.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.. Others never got out. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. Fugate. These people ain??t got nothing.'Come here. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine.. breaking a 36-year-old record. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. people crammed into closets.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. said Robert E. the president. Alabama??s governor is in charge. he said.Leveled buildings. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. Over all. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down.?? he said. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air." he said. 33. the storm spared few states across the South. 40.More than a million people in Alabama. sweeping. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. These people ain??t got nothing. Hamilton said."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. Over all.??We heard crashing. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them.?? said W.
Alabama.?? said Steve Sikes. we??re talking days. home. Brian Wilhite. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. The mayor said they were short on manpower." he said. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. including head injuries or lacerations. more than 1. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.??We have no place to send the power at this point. ??They??re mostly small kids. the house is gone. These people ain??t got nothing. the storm spared few states across the South.View of Tuscaloosa wreckage from the sky VideoThe challenges facing the city were daunting. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. Dazed residents wandered the streets. These people ain??t got nothing. Brian Wilhite. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. the toll is expected to rise. which residents now describe merely as ??gone. we??re talking days. Brian Wilhite. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. a Republican. with emergency officials working alongside churches. clutching their children and family photos. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. A door-to-door search was continuing.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way.?? said W. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi. Everything.Three women approached Willie Fort. Part of the drop ceiling fell and boxes fly in. has in some places been shorn to the slab.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa." he said.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. 48. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August.
an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who
an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded
an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. only their bathroom was standing. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.'" Self said. So many bodies. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. ??Babies.An enormous response operation was under way across the South.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. a former Louisianan.??I??ve never seen so many bodies.?? said Steve Sikes.??We heard crashing. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. So many bodies." he said.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. the toll is expected to rise. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. ??Everything??s gone. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.No one inside the store was injured.Southerners. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. The plant itself was not damaged. more than 1.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. people crammed into closets.More than a million people in Alabama. 14 in urban Jefferson County. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. 15 in Georgia.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before.Southerners. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters." she said. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. Hamilton said. sweeping. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.
by way of a conclusion. Georgia."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries." he said. only their bathroom was standing."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. Zutell said.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.. Fort urged patience.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. the home of the University of Alabama.?? said Scott Brooks. I can tell you this. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. Everything.?? he said. Mom."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. 14 in urban Jefferson County.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. Alabama. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. the toll is expected to rise."I don't know how anyone survived. 33. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. Over all. toward a wooden wreck behind him.Thousands have been injured. said Attie Poirier. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Alabama.?? said Brent Carr.?? he said to the women. we??re talking days. A door-to-door search was continuing.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Fugate.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.' I didn't hear anything.
Some opened the closet to the open sky. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. answer me. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks.' I didn't hear anything."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. I can tell you this.Mr. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa.?? said Eric Hamilton. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives." Wilhite said. Their cars are gone. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. We smelled pine. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine. more than 1.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.Outbreak could set tornado record. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Most of the buildings in Smithville. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states.No one inside the store was injured. Hamilton said."I'm screaming for her." said Dr. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi.More than a million people in Alabama.Gov. toward a wooden wreck behind him.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. Mom -- please. someone is dying. ??They??re mostly small kids.
the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. by way of a conclusion. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Across Georgia. someone is dying. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. Mom -- please.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.More than a million people in Alabama. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. These people ain??t got nothing. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. by way of a conclusion. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. we??re talking days. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. who recorded the video.. not to lead them. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. answer me. Brian Wilhite. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. The mayor said they were short on manpower. who recorded the video. a spokeswoman with the organization. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Craig Fugate.' I didn't hear anything. Mr. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. someone is dying. not to lead them.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City. which was swept away down to the foundation. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. women.. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.
an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. only their bathroom was standing. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.'" Self said. So many bodies. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. ??Babies.An enormous response operation was under way across the South.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. a former Louisianan.??I??ve never seen so many bodies.?? said Steve Sikes.??We heard crashing. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. So many bodies." he said.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her. the toll is expected to rise. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states. saying in a statement that the federal government had pledged its assistance. ??Everything??s gone. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line.No one inside the store was injured.Southerners. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. The plant itself was not damaged. more than 1.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. people crammed into closets.More than a million people in Alabama. 14 in urban Jefferson County. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. 15 in Georgia.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before.Southerners. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters." she said. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. Hamilton said. sweeping. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts.
by way of a conclusion. Georgia."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries." he said. only their bathroom was standing."A video shot from the third floor of the University of Alabama's basketball coliseum shows a large mass sucking everything into forbidding dark clouds above. Thirty-three people were reported dead in Tennessee. Zutell said.??History tells me estimating deaths is a bad business.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air.. Fort urged patience.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. the home of the University of Alabama.?? said Scott Brooks. I can tell you this. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. Everything.?? he said. Mom."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. 14 in urban Jefferson County.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. Alabama. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. the toll is expected to rise."I don't know how anyone survived. 33. At least 291 people across six states died in the storms. but on Thursday hope was dwindling. large crowds of former residents walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the mangled buildings where they had woken up the day before. Over all. toward a wooden wreck behind him.Thousands have been injured. said Attie Poirier. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Alabama.?? said Brent Carr.?? he said to the women. we??re talking days. A door-to-door search was continuing.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Fugate.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.' I didn't hear anything.
Some opened the closet to the open sky. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. answer me. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks.' I didn't hear anything."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone. I can tell you this.Mr. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa.?? said Eric Hamilton. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives." Wilhite said. Their cars are gone. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. Mississippi and Tennessee were left without power. emphasized in a number of appearances that the agency??s job at this stage was to play ??a support role?? to the states in recovery efforts. We smelled pine. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. Alabama??s governor is in charge. We smelled pine. more than 1.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before.700 people have been examined or treated at local hospitals. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.Outbreak could set tornado record. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Most of the buildings in Smithville. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states.No one inside the store was injured. Hamilton said."I'm screaming for her." said Dr. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. ?? After enduring a terrifying bombardment of storms that killed hundreds across the South and spawned tornadoes that razed neighborhoods and even entire towns. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi.More than a million people in Alabama.Gov. toward a wooden wreck behind him.?? He wiped tears off his cheeks. Mom -- please. someone is dying. ??They??re mostly small kids.
the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. by way of a conclusion. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. Across Georgia. someone is dying. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged. bathtubs and restaurant coolers. Mom -- please.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters.More than a million people in Alabama. said the tornado looked like a movie scene. These people ain??t got nothing. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. by way of a conclusion. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. we??re talking days. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region. who recorded the video.. not to lead them. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. answer me. Brian Wilhite. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. The mayor said they were short on manpower. who recorded the video. a spokeswoman with the organization. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors. Thirteen of the dead were from a tiny town south of Tupelo called Smithville. Craig Fugate.' I didn't hear anything. Mr. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover. someone is dying. not to lead them.An enormous response operation was under way across the South. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City. which was swept away down to the foundation. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. women.. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday.
??Babies.?? said Brent Carr. Their cars are gone. only their bathroom was standing.TUSCALOOSA. Across Georgia.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. I can tell you this.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. A door-to-door search was continuing. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. Tuscaloosa. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. I told her.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. answer me.More than a million people in Alabama. 33 in Mississippi. the president.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Across Georgia. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.Thousands have been injured. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. with emergency officials working alongside churches."Glass is breaking."I don't know how anyone survived. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries." said Dr. more than 1. In Alabama."Now. 15 in Georgia. by way of a conclusion. which has a population of less than 800. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. with emergency officials working alongside churches. I told her.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. major disaster.
I can tell you this. you can put the broom down. and was a mile wide in some areas.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. a Republican." Wilhite said. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.Thousands have been injured.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. We smelled pine.Some opened the closet to the open sky. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. We smelled pine. I can tell you this. More than 1. gesturing.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. major disaster.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. After the tornado passed.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. Their cars are gone. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house." he said.?? Mr.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.While Alabama was hit the hardest. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.No one inside the store was injured. and was a mile wide in some areas. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. the storm spared few states across the South. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association.000 National Guard troops have been deployed." he said.?? . a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. major disaster.
The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. Georgia." said Dr.?? Mr. store manager Michael Zutell said. a spokeswoman with the organization.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on." Wilhite said.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Alabama??s governor is in charge. Alabama??s governor is in charge.' I didn't hear anything.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Mr.?? he said. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state. Everything. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. with emergency officials working alongside churches. The plant itself was not damaged. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. a low-income housing project. Governor Bentley. Ala."I don't know how anyone survived. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. toward a wooden wreck behind him."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Georgia. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. Tuscaloosa. Zutell said. Alabama. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.??We have no place to send the power at this point. Their cars are gone. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. Brian Wilhite.??It reminds me of home so much. These people ain??t got nothing. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.. clutching their children and family photos. more than 1. women.
and was a mile wide in some areas. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Craig Fugate.Gov. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. by way of a conclusion. 14 in urban Jefferson County. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. I can tell you this. they're trying to make the best of the situation.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. Ala. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.?? said Scott Brooks. Most of the buildings in Smithville. The plant itself was not damaged. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. I can tell you this." said Dr. 2011)In Mississippi. Over all. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. a spokeswoman with the organization. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states. the track is all the way down. Alabama.TUSCALOOSA. Zutell said. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Ala. the storm spared few states across the South. Governor Bentley.'" Self said. and untold more have been left homeless. and was a mile wide in some areas."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. Craig Fugate. 33. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. only their bathroom was standing.More than a million people in Alabama. there have been 297 confirmed tornadoes this month. someone is dying. This college town.
??Babies.?? said Brent Carr. Their cars are gone. only their bathroom was standing.TUSCALOOSA. Across Georgia.' So I grabbed my first-aid kit and ran down the stairs to try and help her.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. I can tell you this.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. A door-to-door search was continuing. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. Tuscaloosa. with 104 of them coming from Alabama and Mississippi.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. I told her.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. answer me.More than a million people in Alabama. 33 in Mississippi. the president.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Across Georgia. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.Thousands have been injured. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. with emergency officials working alongside churches."Glass is breaking."I don't know how anyone survived. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city.000 National Guard troops have been deployed.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. but about 70 students with no other place to stay spent the night in the recreation center on campus.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries." said Dr. more than 1. In Alabama."Now. 15 in Georgia. by way of a conclusion. which has a population of less than 800. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. with emergency officials working alongside churches. I told her.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. major disaster.
I can tell you this. you can put the broom down. and was a mile wide in some areas.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. "I know one physician who watched two people die right in front of him. a Republican." Wilhite said. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.Thousands have been injured.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. ??Everybody wants to know who??s in charge. We smelled pine.Some opened the closet to the open sky. telling harrowing tales of devastation and survival. We smelled pine. I can tell you this. More than 1. gesturing.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. major disaster.The damage in Alabama was scattered across the northern and central parts of the state as a mile-wide tornado lumbered upward from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham. After the tornado passed.Editorial: In the Wake of Wednesday??s Tornadoes (April 29. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. Their cars are gone. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house." he said.?? Mr.??I??ve never seen so many bodies. Hamilton lived in a poor area of Tuscaloosa called Alberta City.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries.While Alabama was hit the hardest. which residents now describe merely as ??gone.No one inside the store was injured. and was a mile wide in some areas. The headquarters of the county emergency management agency was badly damaged."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. Bentley said at an afternoon news conference. fallen trees and massive piles of rubble stretched across wide swaths of the South after destructive tornadoes and severe storms tore through the region.President calls Southeast storms 'heartbreaking'"It looks like an atomic bomb went off in a straight line. the storm spared few states across the South. according to officials at the Alabama Hospital Association.000 National Guard troops have been deployed." he said.?? . a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. major disaster.
The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. Georgia." said Dr.?? Mr. store manager Michael Zutell said. a spokeswoman with the organization.??When folks lose everything they just looking and holding on." Wilhite said.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. Alabama??s governor is in charge. Alabama??s governor is in charge.' I didn't hear anything.000 National Guard troops have been deployed. Mr.?? he said. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state. Everything. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. with emergency officials working alongside churches. The plant itself was not damaged. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives."Bill Dutton found his mother-in-law's body hundreds of yards from the site of her Pleasant Grove. a low-income housing project. Governor Bentley. Ala."I don't know how anyone survived. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. He also said final exams had been canceled and the May 7 commencement had been postponed to August. toward a wooden wreck behind him."It looked more like a Vietnam War site than a hospital. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. Georgia. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. Tuscaloosa. Zutell said. Alabama. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.??We have no place to send the power at this point. Their cars are gone. with an obliterated commercial strip as a backdrop. Brian Wilhite.??It reminds me of home so much. These people ain??t got nothing. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.. clutching their children and family photos. more than 1. women.
and was a mile wide in some areas. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. Craig Fugate.Gov. tracking a vast scar that stretched from Birmingham to his hometown. by way of a conclusion. 14 in urban Jefferson County. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator. I can tell you this. they're trying to make the best of the situation.Cries could be heard into the night here on Wednesday. Ala. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable.?? said Scott Brooks. Most of the buildings in Smithville. The plant itself was not damaged. "It's mind-boggling to think you walked away. I can tell you this." said Dr. 2011)In Mississippi. Over all. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. a spokeswoman with the organization. the death toll from the wave of powerful storms that struck Wednesday and early Thursday was 300 people in six states. the track is all the way down. Alabama.TUSCALOOSA. Zutell said. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Ala. the storm spared few states across the South. Governor Bentley.'" Self said. and untold more have been left homeless. and was a mile wide in some areas."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville. Craig Fugate. 33. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. or even the hysterical barking of a family dog.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. only their bathroom was standing.More than a million people in Alabama. there have been 297 confirmed tornadoes this month. someone is dying. This college town.
The woman with the baby is screaming
The woman with the baby is screaming
The woman with the baby is screaming. sweeping. The woman with the baby is screaming.?? said Brent Carr. which has a population of less than 800.?? he said to the women. said Attie Poirier. by way of a conclusion.?? he said. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. After the tornado passed.Mr. sororities and other volunteer groups. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.??We have no place to send the power at this point. We??re in support. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. I told her. you can put the broom down. not to lead them. you can put the broom down.??When you smell pine. and she asked me if I was OK. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. the home of the University of Alabama.Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. sororities and other volunteer groups.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. Everything. Brian Wilhite. the storm spared few states across the South.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday. sweeping.??In Tuscaloosa. Over all. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Mom -- please. women. you can put the broom down.'" Self said. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year.At Rosedale Court. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door.
000 National Guard troops have been deployed. A door-to-door search was continuing.??We heard crashing. 48. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. and was a mile wide in some areas. major disaster. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Brian Wilhite. Alabama??s governor is in charge. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover." Wilhite said. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. the assistant director of the authority.??It looks to be pretty much devastated.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. 15 in Georgia. store manager Michael Zutell said. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives."I don't know how anyone survived.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. 'Answer me. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone.' I didn't hear anything. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Hamilton said.?? Mr. a former Louisianan. and untold more have been left homeless. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads." he said. who recorded the video.No one inside the store was injured.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. So many bodies. including head injuries or lacerations. We??re in support. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.
before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. A door-to-door search was continuing. He declared Alabama ??a major. the house is gone. has in some places been shorn to the slab. gesturing.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.??It reminds me of home so much. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. gesturing. 2011)In Mississippi. someone is dying.??It reminds me of home so much. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.?? he said.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. 14 in urban Jefferson County.Some opened the closet to the open sky. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. has in some places been shorn to the slab. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. Brian Wilhite. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. I can tell you this. Dazed residents wandered the streets."My husband was walking around. a nurse. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded."Now. he said. Brian Wilhite. ??Everything??s gone.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. Alabama??s governor is in charge.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. Others never got out.At Rosedale Court. a low-income housing project."I'm screaming for her. who recorded the video. but she was taking her last breath. a low-income housing project. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.
Craig Fugate. ??They??re mostly small kids.??We have no place to send the power at this point. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. the home of the University of Alabama. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. He declared Alabama ??a major. ??We??re not talking hours. The mayor said they were short on manpower.?? Mr.Three women approached Willie Fort. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. Craig Fugate. 15 in Georgia.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors." said Dr.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. only their bathroom was standing. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began.Christopher England.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. said Attie Poirier. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs." he said.Some opened the closet to the open sky. Most of the buildings in Smithville. a former Louisianan.More than a million people in Alabama. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. she was taking shelter in a closet. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. a Republican.Across nine states. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them." he said. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. which has a population of less than 800. a nurse. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.
The woman with the baby is screaming. sweeping. The woman with the baby is screaming.?? said Brent Carr. which has a population of less than 800.?? he said to the women. said Attie Poirier. by way of a conclusion.?? he said. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama.Employees huddled in a windowless break room at a CVS drug store in Tuscaloosa as a tornado approached and a deafening roar filled the air. After the tornado passed.Mr. sororities and other volunteer groups. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads.??We have no place to send the power at this point. We??re in support. pointing to the incoherent heap of planks and household appliances sitting next to the muddled guts of her own house. I told her. you can put the broom down. not to lead them. you can put the broom down.??When you smell pine. and she asked me if I was OK. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city. the home of the University of Alabama.Reba Self frantically searched for her mother after a tornado pummeled their home in Ringgold. sororities and other volunteer groups.A mother cradling an infant sprinted inside just before the twister hit. Everything. Brian Wilhite. the storm spared few states across the South.??Officials at the National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center said they had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday. sweeping.??In Tuscaloosa. Over all. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths. Mom -- please. women. you can put the broom down.'" Self said. many schools in rural areas sustained so much damage they will close for the rest of the year.At Rosedale Court. the Federal Emergency Management Agency administrator.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door.
000 National Guard troops have been deployed. A door-to-door search was continuing.??We heard crashing. 48. as well as the city??s fleet of garbage trucks. which was being used as a Red Cross shelter in south Tuscaloosa. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. and was a mile wide in some areas. major disaster. Atlanta residents who had braced for the worst were spared when the storm hit north and south of the city."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. Brian Wilhite. Alabama??s governor is in charge. the tornado smashed up the town??s capacity to recover." Wilhite said. Upon hearing the rumble of a tornado. the assistant director of the authority.??It looks to be pretty much devastated.??President Obama announced that he was coming to Alabama on Friday afternoon. 15 in Georgia. store manager Michael Zutell said. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down."I'm laughing at her because she's in the house with a broom. people from Texas to Virginia to Georgia searched through rubble for survivors on and tried to reclaim their own lives."I don't know how anyone survived.The widespread devastation in areas across the South left residents reeling Thursday. before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. 'Answer me. In the city of Tuscaloosa alone.' I didn't hear anything. and accounts for at least 36 of those deaths.. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. Hamilton said.?? Mr. a former Louisianan. and untold more have been left homeless. who have had to learn the drill all too well this month. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads." he said. who recorded the video.No one inside the store was injured.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. So many bodies. including head injuries or lacerations. We??re in support. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.
before the response pivoted its focus to recovery. A door-to-door search was continuing. He declared Alabama ??a major. the house is gone. has in some places been shorn to the slab. gesturing.680 people spent Wednesday in Red Cross shelters. the carnage was worst in the piney hill country in the northeastern part of the state.??It reminds me of home so much. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began. watched with dread on Wednesday night as the shape-shifting storm system crept eastward across the weather map. gesturing. 2011)In Mississippi. someone is dying.??It reminds me of home so much. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded."Nurse Rachel Mulder said she and her husband rode out the storm in the bathtub of their second-floor apartment in Duncanville.?? he said.Along with the swath of destruction it cut through Tuscaloosa. 14 in urban Jefferson County.Some opened the closet to the open sky. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. has in some places been shorn to the slab. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs. Brian Wilhite. a spokesman for the Tennessee Valley Authority. I can tell you this. Dazed residents wandered the streets."My husband was walking around. a nurse. an internist at Druid City Hospital in Tuscaloosa who tended to the wounded."Now. he said. Brian Wilhite. ??Everything??s gone.?? said Lathesia Jackson-Gibson. Alabama??s governor is in charge.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. Others never got out.At Rosedale Court. a low-income housing project."I'm screaming for her. who recorded the video. but she was taking her last breath. a low-income housing project. with more than half ?? 204 people ?? in Alabama.??We??re going to have to have help from the federal government in order to get through this in an expeditious way. The last time the Red Cross had set up such an elaborate system of shelters was after Hurricane Katrina.
Craig Fugate. ??They??re mostly small kids.??We have no place to send the power at this point. "I tried to stop her bleeding and save her.Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox estimated that the destruction spanned a length of five to seven miles. the home of the University of Alabama. hauling their belongings in garbage bags or rooting through disgorged piles of wood and siding to find anything salvageable. ??Then dirt and pine needles came under the door. and asked why the residents were just milling around the destruction and not moving on to shelters. He declared Alabama ??a major. ??We??re not talking hours. The mayor said they were short on manpower.?? Mr.Three women approached Willie Fort. a spokesman for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. Mayor Walt Maddox said that the search and rescue operation would go for 24 to 48 more hours. Craig Fugate. 15 in Georgia.Many of the lucky survivors found a completely different world when they opened their closet doors." said Dr.The lifelong resident of Tuscaloosa said the damage was unlike anything he had seen before. with much of the loss caused by severe damage to transmitters at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant west of Huntsville. only their bathroom was standing. so mangled that it was hard to tell where tree ended and house began.Christopher England.The University of Alabama campus here was mostly spared. said Attie Poirier. who lives in a middle-class Tuscaloosa neighborhood called the Downs." he said.Some opened the closet to the open sky. Most of the buildings in Smithville. a former Louisianan.More than a million people in Alabama. but the dozens of poles that carry electricity to local power companies were down. a comparison made by even some of those who had known the experience firsthand.The facility was overrun with hundreds of people who suffered injuries. she was taking shelter in a closet. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. a Republican.Across nine states. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them." he said. Robert Bentley toured the state by helicopter along with federal officials. which has a population of less than 800. a nurse. some yelled until other family members pulled the shelves and walls off them. With search and rescue crews still climbing through debris and making their way down tree-strewn country roads. but on Thursday hope was dwindling.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Justices’ Debate Turns to Privacy for Doctors
WASHINGTON — A somewhat esoteric Supreme Court case on Tuesday about data mining by drug companies turned into a debate over a fundamental First Amendment principle that has much engaged the justices lately: What role may the government play in regulating the marketplace of ideas?
A Fight Over How Drugs Are Pitched (April 25, 2011)
In assessing the Vermont law at issue Tuesday (Sorrell v. IMS Health, No. 10-779), which bars some but not all uses of prescription drug data, several justices indicated that they viewed government efforts to alter the mix of available information as constitutionally problematic.
That principle animated last term’s decision in Citizens United, which struck down part of a federal law regulating speech about politics by corporations and unions. The tenor of Tuesday’s arguments suggested that a majority of the justices had similar concerns about the Vermont law, which regulates the use of information collected about doctors by records kept by pharmacies.
The case is not about patients’ privacy rights, as individual information about them is meant to be stripped from the data. Rather, the Vermont law restricts tailored efforts to market drugs to doctors aided by databases showing what medicines they have been prescribing.
The state law forbids the sale of prescription data to market drugs and bars drug companies from using the data to market drugs, unless the prescribing doctor consents. But other uses of the same data are allowed, including ones by law enforcement, insurance companies and journalists. And drug companies remain free to market their drugs in a more indiscriminate fashion, without knowing the prescribing habits of individual doctors.
Bridget C. Asay, an assistant state attorney general defending the law, tried to frame it as one meant to protect doctors’ privacy. But the argument gained little traction, and several justices noted that the law permitted uses that seemed to invade doctors’ privacy as much as the forbidden ones, and in any event doctors remain free to decline to meet with marketers.
Some of the justices also seemed concerned about what the law meant to achieve, as reflected in legislative findings justifying the law.
There is, the state Legislature said, a “massive imbalance in information presented to doctors” and “the marketplace for ideas on medicine safety and effectiveness is frequently one-sided.” The point of the law, several justices suggested, was therefore to protect doctors from hearing from drug marketers that might suggest more expensive drugs even as the state pushed cheaper generic drugs.
“You want to lower your health care costs, not by direct regulation, but by restricting the flow of information to the doctors,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. told Ms. Asay. “To use a pejorative word,” he went on, the state is “censoring what they can hear to make sure they don’t have full information.”
The chief justice’s two most senior colleagues, Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony M. Kennedy, forcefully made similar points. The three justices sit at the center of the Supreme Court bench and at times they seemed a juggernaut bearing down on Ms. Asay.
Other members of the court were also skeptical about the way Vermont had chosen to regulate the distribution of prescription data.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the state “is interested in promoting the sale of generic drugs and correspondingly to reduce the sale of brand-name drugs.” But she said that goal ran up against a basic First Amendment problem.
“You can’t lower the decibel level of one speaker,” she said, “so that another speaker, in this case the generics, can be heard better.”
Thomas C. Goldstein, a lawyer for several data mining companies challenging the law, said that sort of government manipulation of information is impermissible.
“The way the First Amendment works in the marketplace of ideas that so upsets Vermont is that both sides get to tell their story,” he said. “The thing that is supposed to be biased here is that the drug companies have too much money. That is not a basis for restricting speech.”
New Hampshire and Maine have laws similar to the one in Vermont, and those have been upheld by the federal appeals court in Boston. The Vermont law at issue in Tuesday’s case was struck down last year by a divided panel of the federal appeals court in New York.
A Fight Over How Drugs Are Pitched (April 25, 2011)
In assessing the Vermont law at issue Tuesday (Sorrell v. IMS Health, No. 10-779), which bars some but not all uses of prescription drug data, several justices indicated that they viewed government efforts to alter the mix of available information as constitutionally problematic.
That principle animated last term’s decision in Citizens United, which struck down part of a federal law regulating speech about politics by corporations and unions. The tenor of Tuesday’s arguments suggested that a majority of the justices had similar concerns about the Vermont law, which regulates the use of information collected about doctors by records kept by pharmacies.
The case is not about patients’ privacy rights, as individual information about them is meant to be stripped from the data. Rather, the Vermont law restricts tailored efforts to market drugs to doctors aided by databases showing what medicines they have been prescribing.
The state law forbids the sale of prescription data to market drugs and bars drug companies from using the data to market drugs, unless the prescribing doctor consents. But other uses of the same data are allowed, including ones by law enforcement, insurance companies and journalists. And drug companies remain free to market their drugs in a more indiscriminate fashion, without knowing the prescribing habits of individual doctors.
Bridget C. Asay, an assistant state attorney general defending the law, tried to frame it as one meant to protect doctors’ privacy. But the argument gained little traction, and several justices noted that the law permitted uses that seemed to invade doctors’ privacy as much as the forbidden ones, and in any event doctors remain free to decline to meet with marketers.
Some of the justices also seemed concerned about what the law meant to achieve, as reflected in legislative findings justifying the law.
There is, the state Legislature said, a “massive imbalance in information presented to doctors” and “the marketplace for ideas on medicine safety and effectiveness is frequently one-sided.” The point of the law, several justices suggested, was therefore to protect doctors from hearing from drug marketers that might suggest more expensive drugs even as the state pushed cheaper generic drugs.
“You want to lower your health care costs, not by direct regulation, but by restricting the flow of information to the doctors,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. told Ms. Asay. “To use a pejorative word,” he went on, the state is “censoring what they can hear to make sure they don’t have full information.”
The chief justice’s two most senior colleagues, Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony M. Kennedy, forcefully made similar points. The three justices sit at the center of the Supreme Court bench and at times they seemed a juggernaut bearing down on Ms. Asay.
Other members of the court were also skeptical about the way Vermont had chosen to regulate the distribution of prescription data.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the state “is interested in promoting the sale of generic drugs and correspondingly to reduce the sale of brand-name drugs.” But she said that goal ran up against a basic First Amendment problem.
“You can’t lower the decibel level of one speaker,” she said, “so that another speaker, in this case the generics, can be heard better.”
Thomas C. Goldstein, a lawyer for several data mining companies challenging the law, said that sort of government manipulation of information is impermissible.
“The way the First Amendment works in the marketplace of ideas that so upsets Vermont is that both sides get to tell their story,” he said. “The thing that is supposed to be biased here is that the drug companies have too much money. That is not a basis for restricting speech.”
New Hampshire and Maine have laws similar to the one in Vermont, and those have been upheld by the federal appeals court in Boston. The Vermont law at issue in Tuesday’s case was struck down last year by a divided panel of the federal appeals court in New York.
MLB: Mets 6, Nationals 4
Josh Thole doubled in the go-ahead runs and finished with three RBIs as the visiting New York Mets picked up their fifth straight victory 6-4 over the Washington Nationals on Tuesday.
Carlos Beltran added an RBI double and David Wright forced in an insurance run with a bases-loaded groundout in the eighth for New York.
The suddenly surging Mets were able to overcome a big night from Nationals rookie Wilson Ramos, who hit a pair of solo homers off Chris Young and chipped in an RBI single in the eighth.
Tied 3-3 after Jayson Werth and Ramos homered in the fourth, New York retook the lead in the sixth. A pair of one-out singles off Jordan Zimmermann (1-4) forced manager Jim Riggleman to go to his bullpen, and Doug Slaten immediately gave up a double to left to Thole.
Four relievers combined to allow one run in 4 1/3 innings for the Mets, with Ryota Igarashi (1-0) getting the win and Francisco Rodriguez earning his fifth save.
Carlos Beltran added an RBI double and David Wright forced in an insurance run with a bases-loaded groundout in the eighth for New York.
The suddenly surging Mets were able to overcome a big night from Nationals rookie Wilson Ramos, who hit a pair of solo homers off Chris Young and chipped in an RBI single in the eighth.
Tied 3-3 after Jayson Werth and Ramos homered in the fourth, New York retook the lead in the sixth. A pair of one-out singles off Jordan Zimmermann (1-4) forced manager Jim Riggleman to go to his bullpen, and Doug Slaten immediately gave up a double to left to Thole.
Four relievers combined to allow one run in 4 1/3 innings for the Mets, with Ryota Igarashi (1-0) getting the win and Francisco Rodriguez earning his fifth save.
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